What can l do with the photo negatives l have kept through the years?

by Sre8118578
Before the digital camera, the camera i am using is with the film and negatives. And i have accumulated a lot of them, kept it in album with label. This has been for around 30 years ago. I only started the digital in Y2000. My album through the years have been damaged by the heat/cold of the room cabinets.

How to preserve them or any idea what to do with these negatives?
  6 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on May 23, 2017

    If I did the math right, your negatives are from around 1970-99.

    You could donate the whole albums with negatives to your local historical society for them to use as they wish.

    You can go through the negatives, picking out photos you want a copy of, and how many copies you need for family or friends. Use a permanent marker, not black, to put a dot or check mark at the very edge of the individual frames you want printed, with the number of copies on the edge, too.

    To see the negatives, you need a light box. If you have access to one, great! A magnifying glass will certainly help. If you don't have a light box, instead of making one, just use your cell phone or tablet. In settings, choose solid white background. Or just clear your screen as much as you can. Then just place a negative strip on top of this light box, use the magnifying glass to choose negatives to print, and use your marker to note your order.

    Wait for a coupon or sale for wherever you want your prints to be made.

    If you don't want to do anything with the negatives, don't burn them and don't put them in a recycle bin. The chemicals can be toxic. That leaves the trash can.

    I hope you find an idea you can use. Best wishes 😇

    • Maggie Maggie on May 23, 2017

      After you get a print made, either scan it or take a picture of it with your phone then you have a backup

  • Patricia Patricia on May 23, 2017

    I went through all my old photos and discarded the duplicates and otherwise useless photos (too blurry, bad composition, etc.). I bought a photo scanner and scanned all the photos into digital copies. I took my time scanning and did it in batches over the course of a month or so. Then I put the originals in archival quality boxes.

  • Maggie Maggie on May 23, 2017

    Great idea

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on May 23, 2017

    Instead of having prints made, go to photography shop (specialty) and see if they can put the desired pictures on a DVD or flash drive for you . That way, you can make copies for family members .

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on May 23, 2017

    @Maggie , you are so right. And where we live, you can send an order from your phone straight to Walgreen's or CVS Pharmacy Photo Dept. , and you can pick up your photos in an hour or a day, or have them mailed to you. If you have a coupon, there's a place to enter that, too. 😇

  • Sre8118578 Sre8118578 on May 24, 2017

    thanks everyone for your ideas.