Asked on Jun 19, 2017

What is the best way to deal with an tv hole above fire place?

by Josie
Want to be able to get bigger tv and have it look better.
  14 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Jun 19, 2017

    I would add a small shelf above the TV, and put a nice vase or something to fill in the space a bit so it won't look so empty at the top.

  • And1639926 And1639926 on Jun 19, 2017

    You could frame it out or get someone to. And then Drywall over it. Then maybe mount a bigger tv to that.

  • Nena Hodges Nena Hodges on Jun 19, 2017

    A larger TV over the fireplace just as it is will look awkward. If you're going to have a wider TV that is black, you will need to increase the black parameter around the fireplace. That might mean covering your marble or coating it with a black coating. To install a wider TV without enlarging the hole, you will need to cover the hole with wood, trim it out, and hang the TV on that. Personally, if I were going to have a TV over my fireplace (which I don't plan to do) I would not go with a larger one. I would place a shelf immediately above the TV and place something attractive on the shelve, ie: sculpture, plant...

  • Sga16178604 Sga16178604 on Jun 19, 2017

    Put a picture there and put new tv on a wall mount on different wall.

  • Sarah Elizabeth Sarah Elizabeth on Jun 19, 2017

    You could consider beefing up the opening with wood so that you can mount the TV. You can go up a size in tv and expand in the future. Be careful with construction to ensure it is sturdy for mounting. If you mounted it in the middle, it could lend space above and below for shelves. Put your collection above and DVDs below.

  • William William on Jun 20, 2017

    I would frame out the opening and cover it with drywall. Make sure there are 2X4s where the TV mount would go. Center the mount up and down where the opening was. Put a beefy mantle shelf above the fireplace.

  • Linda Linda on Jun 20, 2017

    Art work

  • Gale Nagy Gale Nagy on Jun 20, 2017

    The larger flat screen TV's will not fit in the "hole" over the fireplace. We have one over our corner fireplace which is very deep and not squared off. We pretty much decided when we moved here (12 yrs ago) that we did not want to constantly look up to watch TV. So, we put TV on piece of furniture we already owned (one could buy something reasonable to do so.) Then I decorated the "hole" seasonally. Summer: right now has patriotic décor - draped flag, large framed pic, copy of constitution w/inkwell & quill.; Fall, , Christmas, Winter, Spring - all get other things. It's never the same thing in each season. Christmas is special: building a "mountain" (using the boxes that the houses are storeed in) and then lighted houses, people, etc. It's our snowy mountain village here in the warm south!

  • Adam Eng Adam Eng on Jun 23, 2017

    i would frame the opening and put sheet rock over it.. so you have a nice flat wall.. and then you can go bigger on the tv

  • Sandy Sandy on Jun 23, 2017

    Cover the hole with barn wood or pallet wood. Get a larger tv and mount it centered on the new wood

  • Kaye Kaye on Jul 07, 2017

    Hi, don't put another TV up there if you have room elsewhere. The fireplace is lovely and you could really make it and the area above a focal point in the room. I suggest putting up a mantle (I guess they have made that quite easy.) After you find a mantle that you like use that to "tell" you what to do with the hole. I am guessing you like a non formal look so consider a family picture surrounded by pictures of the gang as they grow/grew up.

    Have fun. Do what your gut tells you and you will enjoy it the most.

  • Barb Barb on Jul 07, 2017

    I think your best bet is the fireplace face front is very dated, have a handyman take the entire front beige off add dry wall at the top so you can mount your tv and the bottom needs a mantel frame and your project is completed.

  • Barb Barb on Jul 07, 2017

    i was able to find a picture for you😁

    comment photo
  • Patty Chadwick Patty Chadwick on Jul 07, 2017

    put a painting in it and/or collectible or plant of some kind...