Stylish porch cover on a budget ($1000 ish)?

Julie Medved
by Julie Medved
  10 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Sep 15, 2017

    Google "prefab awnings"...this item has become more stylish lately and is very reasonable!

    • EleanorPhillips EleanorPhillips on Sep 17, 2017

      I'm making $80 an hour working from home. I was shocked when my neighbour told me she was averaging $120 but I see how it works now. I feel so much freedom now that I'm my own boss. Read more this site... Good luck...

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Sep 15, 2017

    What do you mean porch cover? Do you want an awning? Please give more information about what you want. EJL.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 15, 2017

    Pergola Style

  • Julie Medved Julie Medved on Sep 15, 2017

    something to cover the front balcony area from weather but to give it a modern style. The door faces down the street but the steps face the street. Want street appeal.

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  • Geew Geew on Sep 17, 2017

    How about a Trellis/Pergola like entry cover?

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  • Lisa Waddell Lisa Waddell on Sep 19, 2017

    I would suggest boxing in your porch column with cedar and cutting swirls out of your railings and painting them black for a more modern take on your home and a fresh look. You can grind those swirls off with a side grinder. A good carpenter will charge 2500.00 + to install a porch with tongue and groove ceiling and gutters. Unless you are a contractor by trade, I would not recommend tackling this on your own.

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 19, 2017

    I would do one of these to tie into your iron railing, and paint it black to match.

    But seriously you need to do something attractive to that dirt pit out front. I would cut part of that off even with the corner of the house, and put a large paver walk up to the porch of stained concrete to go with your brick or gray. Lose the plant and the jutting rocks. Move the bricks along the sidewalk out front. Fill the dirt with turf and the patch where the white stone is. Get your self a nice large pot for where the white stone are an put a nice topiary shrub in there.

  • Julie Medved Julie Medved on Sep 20, 2017

    Love those little awnings I will have to source one. My hubby has requested no black. We have only recently purchased the house so the dirt patch is where we have removed overgrown and dead trees. ( huge job!)My hubby will widen the driveway by concreting over that dirt strip. The skinny path will be removed. we have just done the white stones and the 2 topairy style trees there as it was overgrown with grass so we wanted to have a rock garden for low maintenance. The jutting rocks are part of a concreted in rockery that runs across the front of the house and have just weeded and planted lavender there. I will get a large colourful pot for on the verandah. Thanks for your ideas.