Door/flap for plastic kennel

by Eileen
I have a large plastic dog kennel. My dog insists on being in there when the rain is getting in Through the entry point. Please has anyone got any ideas. He and his bed are getting wet. His is an old boy now and wants to do things his way.

  7 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 17, 2017

    Velcro at the top a heavy duty piece of plastic, so he can still see out and get out.

  • Karen Tokarse Karen Tokarse on Sep 17, 2017

    I would get a cheap (thin) tub mat, cut in half lengthwise and overlap the halves for the entrance. Use screws and bolts to attach to the top. Attach so that it hangs just below the entrance.

  • Tc.22510629 Tc.22510629 on Sep 17, 2017

    Get him an igloo type dog house, it will protect him from the H2o and the cold wind. Another option is to place the kennel where it's dry. Being and old dog is there a place in the house or garage he can sleep?

  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Sep 17, 2017

    Karen has the right idea. Also an old tire mud flap might work. Good luck!

    PS: Thanks for taking care of your old boy. I assume he doesn't want to come into the house.

  • Fix It Jen Fix It Jen on Sep 17, 2017

    Is visibility an issue? You could make a quick flap with a cut up clear shower curtain.

  • William William on Sep 17, 2017

    A few years ago I built two dog houses for a friend that has a pet rescue for outdoor use. I got some clear carpet runner and cut it into strips and screwed them to the top of the opening. They overlap about 1/2" and the bottom of the opening to keep the weather out.

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  • Eileen Eileen on Sep 17, 2017

    Thankyou I will give it a go. Love the kennels