Mason Jar Laundry Soap Containers With DIY Chalkboard Tags

My laundry room tends to be a bit messy and it is officially on my list to organize and beautify this year! I had an idea one night as I was falling asleep that I couldn't wait to implement! I knew it would be the perfect solution to getting rid of my big ugly laundry detergent containers and that I'd be one step closer to creating a pretty space to do laundry in!
The trick is all in the containers! Instead of the ugly blue and orange laundry detergent containers, pour your detergent into beautiful containers to use! I chose these pretty glass mason jar style drink dispensers to pour my soap in.
Drill holes in wooden shapes and paint with chalkboard paint to create DIY Chalkboard tags.
Then I simply took cute wooden shapes, painted them with chalkboard paint, drilled a hole and created cute chalkboard tags for my detergents!
Be sure to label your different soaps and detergents so you don't forget which blue soap is which!
Because all of my soaps were blue, I decided to definitely needed to label what was in each container!

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Christie Bricking Christie Bricking on Apr 08, 2016
    Did you have any issues with the liquid coming through really slow? Any ideas?
  • Kelley Otto Kelley Otto on Feb 07, 2018

    I love the look and loved using my glass dispensers until they started the slow drip or no flow at all. I used a cake tester to try to unclog the hole but no luck. Anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance

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  • Kris Tengwall Johnson Kris Tengwall Johnson on May 08, 2017

    I purchased some lovely dispensers at Belk and LOVED the look, but it took so long for the detergent to flow that my husband demanded a change. I did keep my rinse solution of vinegar and water in one but had to change to an open top glass jug to pour the detergent. Not what I hoped for but still light years away from that ugly plastic dispenser!!! YAY for lovely laundry rooms!!

  • Pat Pat on Jun 28, 2024

    I got tea dispensers for mine some time ago and had the same problem. My solution was to mix half and half water and detergent and then just use twice as much. Problem solved.
