How do I get rid of the clutter on mybedroom dresser

by CNC10256785
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 11, 2017

    pack away what is not needed

  • What is on it? Do the items have a proper home?

  • M. M.. M. M.. on Oct 11, 2017

    My favorite technique is to get a large box and "sweep" everything, everything into it.Of course, not with breakables. but the idea is to get a completely free, clean surface. Live with it like that for a day or two and you will get an idea of what you REALLY need daily on that surface. Less visual clutter= less anxiety/stress. Are you putting stuff on the dresser because you want to create a designer "scene"? How well does that work with your realistic day-to-day life? How will you dust it/clean it?For the things you want back on the dresser top, try grouping things in trays, or low baskets. or even create some height with a cake stand or serving piece that you rarely use.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Oct 11, 2017

    What kind of clutter,if jewelry by a small cabinet for on top of dresser,if paperwork get a file cabinet and take care of it as soon as possible or it becomes daunting task.

  • Susan Helen Botha Susan Helen Botha on Oct 11, 2017

    A beautiful tray. Arrange makeup. Looks stunning.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Oct 11, 2017

    My dresser is loaded now! And I need to get it cleaned off by tonight because I'm going out of town for a few days. It would really please my husband If I leave the dresser cleaned off. Just for you, I'm going to post a picture in a few minutes.

    This afternoon:

    1. I will use the top of my bed as a staging area.

    2. I will place the glass items on the top of the chest of drawers, and return them later.

    3. All of the photos go in one stack on the bed, all but a couple to go into the loose photo box.

    4. All of the drawing paper and grandchild drawings will go on their shelf under the tv.

    5. Any thank you notes, birthday cards, etc. will make a stack on the bed. And the article of my mil turning 100 this year. All of these will go into a memory box--just a cardboard box for things like this.

    6. I see a book, a magazine, and a photo album that have places they need to be.

    7. I see some bills and paid bills that need to be filed in the "bills" drawer, and receipts that go in a "taxes" box. All of these are in this room or boxes in the closet with other labeled boxes.

    8. A few tools and office supplies need to go to their homes, and maybe some craft supplies.

    9. Then there will be a misc. pile. (Mostly trash, I hope.)

    10. I'll shake out the runner on the dresser, and polish the wood. I'll return the items we want.

    That ought to to take care of the dresser for now. Maybe my list will help you.

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