The wind blows through my house

Diane Babcock
by Diane Babcock
I have triple pane windows and the house has been wrapped with the insulation sheets. It has insulation in the walls and ceilings, however, when the wind is blowing from the south/southwest, it's like I don't have anything protecting me from the wind and it gets cold. I don't really want to shrink wrap the windows because my cat tends to rip the plastic. Any ideas?

  8 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on Dec 02, 2017

    You could add weatherstripping around the windows that are leaking air. Buy the peel and stick stuff at your local home center and follow the directions on the package. That should stop most of the air from getting through.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Dec 02, 2017

    Check your plug and light switch outlets. The often can be the cause of cold air getting into the home. Places like Lowes & Home Depot sell insulation specifically created for this issue. Ask when you get to the store. Someone will find them quickly for your. Wishing you the best.

  • Check the weather stripping on each and every door and window. With triple pane windows you should not be experiencing this, unless, they were improperly installed. I feel so bad for you! I would just add more weather stripping if you can.

  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 02, 2017

    How about having some storm windows for that side of the house. Make sure the windows are caulked adequately.

    Another area it gets in is your plug receptacles. You can buy insulation kits for plugs, also take a look at your door weather gasket, and at the threshold... you can add one of those door draft insulators.

    Next spring think about planting a row of trees, shrubs on that side of your yard for a wind break.

    If you have a fireplace on that side, make sure you close the damper when not in use. You can also get one of those old time wooden fire screens to block drafts.

    If that doesn't work, I would call your local power company for an energy audit where they bring a thermal camera and show you where you are losing energy.... very often it is the above areas, and sometimes they forget to put the insulation right up to the edge of the windows and you loose energy 2-4" around the window.

    I have the same problem..... gales winds on Oregon river and Ocean south-facing side.

  • Linda Hunt Linda Hunt on Dec 02, 2017

    Just read a great Family Handyman article about weather-proofing windows and they strongly suggest filling in all holes underneath the window framing with expanding foam too. Is it the panes that are letting in air or the the frames themselves?

  • Mary Mary on Dec 02, 2017

    I have seen where during construction there is no insulation under the windows in the wall. If you can pull the trim off around the window and spray a foam spray that is only for that use. you don't want the red and yellow great stuff it expands to much. You will probably find little or no insulation there. The outside probably hasn't been wrapped properly but that would require removing siding. So the inside trim is the best to try. As far as how much is under the window itself you could cut a little hole under where the trim is and see if you can look in behind the sheet rock there. The trim should cover this up. If you find no insulation that would be a larger process.

  • Gale Allen Jenness Gale Allen Jenness on Dec 02, 2017

    You may not like hearing this, but even good cents homes that are supposend to be well insulated homes! Have huge gaps around windows and door seals. I have taken the trim off my windows and door frames and there’s a couple inches to up to 4-6 inch gaps around windows and doors in older homes especially! Many times I can see daylight coming they the outside of the wall from inside my house once I got the trim off! Which is where a lot of your air can be coming from! I’ll silicone everything I can inside the gap around the window where the exterior wall meets the window trim on the outside where I can see that daylight coming in at! Let it dry, then add more insulation around your window casings and door casings before reinstalling your trim. Then for good measure silicone around your trim as well to keep all air out of your home! Also check your plug ins and light switches. Take a lighter or candle that lit and hold it close to your plug ins and light switches to see if the flame flickers from air blowing inside your house? You can do this trick around windows too, just be careful not to catch anything on fire now! I know it’s work removing trim around windows and doors, but there’s no better way to really seal your windows and doors on exterior walls! If you have triple glass windows, I would bet money you have these same gaps around your windows too that your window trim is hiding from you! If you take the time and remove the trim and seal and insulate around your windows you’ll be amazed how warmer your house will be without those nasty cold spots! I’ve been doing this to my own homes and friends home as well as some of my customers homes that I’ve built kitchen cabinets for. Which is my main trade! Everyone has been very happy with the results afterwards! If you’re careful you can remove trim without breaking it. But be prepared to have to replace pieces if they do break? Good luck

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Dec 02, 2017

    Sharon suggested an energy audit. In Texas, where lost energy= water usage enough to contribute to a drought, energy audits are free. Don’t pay for an audit nor buy insulation from the same company without doing research from the BBB, Chamber of Commerce, your neighbors, and other resources so you don’t get scammed. Our power company did an audit, made several recommendations, and told us they were not in the “new vents, new ductwork, new insulation” business and told us to check with the Chamber of Commerce and our builder/repair friends for company names. After not so many changes, our house is tight, except for the front door, which needs to be reframed and replaced. Best wishes 😇