I live in a very small apt- are there projects for small apartments?

Caroline Morris
by Caroline Morris
I live in a very Small apt you always have ideas for larger spaces , outdoor ideas large projects nothing for small apts for seniors on a budget

  10 answers
  • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Dec 05, 2017

    I am a senior on a budget .......what do you want to know.

    • Caroline Morris Caroline Morris on Dec 08, 2017

      hello, my apt is in an older bld and has very limited closet space single size bedroom closet no bathroom vanity skinny linen closet and small coat closet not allowed to affix things to the walls and no room to add another chest of drawers no room under bed SOOO other than de clutter lol any ideas ?

  • Landmark Home Warranty Landmark Home Warranty on Dec 05, 2017

    This is a really easy and budget-friendly wreath that you can make! You can make it unique to your taste and season! https://www.hometalk.com/diy/craft/wreaths/how-to-make-a-wreath-33500016

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 05, 2017

    what are you interested in

  • Elaine Elaine on Dec 05, 2017

    I am older, live alone in a condo and understand your problem if you‘re having a hard time with storage and/or what to make, etc. Yes, there are many projects for houses, porches, gardens, etc. that you and I can’t do because it doesn’t apply to our lifestyle anymore but there are many hobbies you can do at your kitchen table or easy chair. There’s always knitting, crocheting, needlework, etc. but there’s also card making, Decoupage, painting with oils, acrylics or with watercolors. I like to paint in my spare time and really miss a basement in which to store canvases but I squeeze them under the bed or in a second closet. I love flower arranging so with every change of the Season, I change my flowers to match the time of year as they then look more realistic. Again, storage is an issue but I store the off-season flowers upright in a bucket in the closet with the canvases. If you really, really want to do something, you will find the room! I do miss having a large Christmas tree as I loved to decorate it differently every year ... but I didn’t want to deal with the storage so I had to let that go. On the plus side, I no longer have to shovel snow, or chip ice off the car’s windshield! Good luck and try to find ideas and projects and pastimes that suit your lifestyle! Merry Christmas from Ontario, Canada! 🎄🎄

  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Dec 05, 2017

    I know what you mean but I think some of the projects here can definitely be done in a small space. Perhaps you can allocate a small area for a cart in which you would keep your supplies such as paints, beads, yarn, etc.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Dec 05, 2017

    I am a senior in a big house now, but I’ve always been a penny pencher. We have lived in a 3-room divided house, two four-room houses, two mobile homes, and I once lived with my mother and two sisters in one of those tiny travel trailers shaped like a jelly bean. Use the search box at the top of the page and type in words like small spaces, storage, tiny kitchen. You can also use the bars across the top for different categories, or the box with lines in it on the top left to see the categories listed in a smaller space. If you want underbed storage, small closets, no-room kitchens, or anything else you are interested in, go to where you think that might be covered. And do what you just did, ask a specific question. Keep the question short and specific, but in the next box, add as many details as you wish. Hometalk.com readers are great about referring you to Hometalk and Pinterest links, as well as YouTube videos, and giving you their own suggests.

    I will leave you with my best advice for small spaces: if you don’t need it, get rid of it now. If you are saving something to leave to somebody when you die or go into a nursing home, give it now. If you think something is valuable and you don’t use it all the time, sell it now. Best wishes 😇

  • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Dec 08, 2017

    caroline....I am a retired Interior Desisigner.........to start with you can add warmth to your home by doing the windows. You didn't tell me anything about your windows so I will do some guessing..........Put full-length drapes at windows with cottage insert or blind. Go to any discount store. Make sure they are lined (tie backs can be anything from a chain to a large napkin. Then some pillows on the bed. Walls are white (?) So you can use any color Pillow are expensive so hit the discount store. Holiday pillows after season turn them around. Bathroom ...skirt the sink. Remember there is a difference in clutter and warmth Hope this helps........let me know if you need more help. You didn't tell me your age.

  • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Dec 08, 2017

    Caroline..... You can have storage under your bed....go to any matt. store and get risers for the bed (raisers go on the post or wheels of your bed frame. will also give the height to your bed and give room more warmth. Forgot to tell you this

  • Caroline Morris Caroline Morris on Dec 09, 2017

    thank you have that already and storage bins under bed