I have an African violet not growing ,can I plant it outside?

by Sarinasala1
  5 answers
  • Ken Ken on Jan 15, 2018

    If you live in Minnesota, no.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 15, 2018

    I have seen nothing to say you can plant them outside. The light requirements would preclude being outside and surviving. Check out this article on caring for them and see if it helps to get them flowering again, it goes through the lighting, watering requirements, fertilizing, repotting and everything. This site has great articles on care, diseases, propagating, etc. just about every plant out there. Good luck with your African Violet!


  • Bonnie Leek Bonnie Leek on Jan 15, 2018

    African Violet is an indoor plant.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jan 15, 2018

    Looks like the answer is NO!


  • 16999903 16999903 on Jan 15, 2018

    No....African violets can go into shock very easily. Water from underneath, but don't water log them. Meaning, make sure the soil is moist and put your water in in the saucer. Or use a long spout watering can and water under the leaves. Immediately pinch off any dying or wilting leaves. African violets do not like direct sun. The best place to put them is in a North facing window, or under a florescent light under a kitchen cabinet. They usually bloom twice a year in the right conditions. Any nursery or garden center also sell Jobes plant feed sticks for need minerals.

    Also, a single leaf and stem can be started in a small cup of water. When you have a substantial root ball, plant in fresh potting soil and keep it moist to the touch,

    Its very important to turn your violet a quarter of a turn about once a week to encourage symmetrical growth! Good luck!