How do you keep black mold out of basement shower

Irene Osborne
by Irene Osborne
  4 answers
  • Better ventilation. Use the exhaust fan, install one, crack a window if there is one, even a portable fan will work. Vinegar will clean the mold.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Feb 18, 2018

    This covers the subject of mold in basements.

  • Pg Pg on Feb 18, 2018

    Install and use a ceiling vent fan and

    Be sure to squeegee or wipe moisture off shower walls after each use.

    You may also need to use a portable dehumidifier. You can either have it drain automatically into a sink or sump pump by attaching a garden hose to it, or manually empty it as needed, which could be every day or two.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 18, 2018

    use a bathroom fan ,dehumidifier, place Damp rid all any windows to dry the area outdoor put a fan on to circulate the basement.