Diy Cat Tent Question

by Dan
Hey Folks,We have a Fun Family Cat named Tin-Tin,What would Work for a Cat Tent so She has somewhere to Go? We Don't Want her Jumping into our Dryer.Thanks For Looking. Dan

  10 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Mar 13, 2018

  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 13, 2018

    There are cat cubes wire frames foldable with hanging toys. There is a cat tent Done with clothes hangers, t shirt.

  • A large paper bag from the grocery store! My cat loves it

  • Kacky Kacky on Mar 13, 2018

    If you have a cabinet in there with an extra square foot or so of findable space, cut a hole in the side or remove the door panel (dremmel a 1/4" channel in the back of the door just deep enough to release the panel - you'll probably have to ease out some "points" holding the panel in place) drop a piece of heavyish cloth or light weight leather to just 1t2"

  • Kacky Kacky on Mar 13, 2018

    1/2" below the opening and maybe clip a corner near the traffic area to allow your little angel some visual appreciation and a "Gotcha!" Moment or two. Sorry for the trip into the "Answer" box too early. A cardboard box fastened inside MIGHT keep other cabinet contents in their places.

    Hope to hear Tin-Tin enjoys your creation and your thoughtfulness.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Mar 13, 2018

    I have seen where people put an old couch pillow in a box for comfort and warmth. On top of that they took a T shirt and put 2 hangers in it (rounded out to make them taller, wider) and cross them in diagonal inside the T shirt and the neck was the hole to go in and out. The bottom of the T shirt was sewn shut or basted shut. Cats love it. Or you might make one out of cardboard and cover it with contact paper to make it look nice. Set the open top down on a soft pillow and add a soft blanket like flannel. They love to hide and they love to be up high. As long as they feel safe, they will use it.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 13, 2018

    Convert a box and a T-shirt into a cat home, I would add a folded towel inside...... see 1:41

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 14, 2018

    Sharon, you have just amazed me! Had to watch this twice and I don'rt eve have a cat. So entertaining!

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Aug 12, 2021

    Hi Dan, here's a lovely cat tet bed pattern you can try -