Ideas for peeling balusters on our porch?

by Daf32531740
We have white painted Balusters on our porch. The paint peels every year and it is a big job to paint... any ideas for them?

  10 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Apr 07, 2018

    Hi Daffy, If your balusters are square you may want to consider vinyl post wraps! Here's a link:

    Good luck!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 07, 2018

    Clean off all the pain and Seal the Concrete, then Paint with Good quality Stone and Masonry Paint. I did that to my Masonry and so far not had to paint it for 10 years...... .

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Apr 07, 2018

    I would replace them with vinyl, a big job once then you don't have to worry about them anymore.

  • Emily Emily on Apr 07, 2018

    Our house is 113 years old and we do not paint our balusters every year and we live in Maine where the weather is very cold and can also be quite hot. We have three porches with balusters. What material are your balusters made of? Since my husband has a lathe we have replaced some badly rotted balusters, but just a fraction of the entire number, and those where it had heavy vegetation.

    comment photo
  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Apr 07, 2018

    Paint peels because the surface has not been properly prepared. You need to remove the paint and clean the surface. Use a good quality primer and paint. Don‘t try to save money on the paint. Your time is worth more than the paint. Go to a paint store (Benjamin Moore, etc.) for advice. Most hardware or big box stores don’t have the expertise to solve your problem.

    (I found out the hard way when I had someone paint parts of the interior of my house. He didn’t prepare the surface properly and the paint on the bannisters and doors started rubbing off. I had to sand and strip and repaint.)

  • Daf32531740 Daf32531740 on Apr 07, 2018

    I am sure you are right.. I was just telling Hubby the same thing.. It is going to be a big job, but I am going to do it right this year.....Thanks

  • Emily Emily on Apr 07, 2018

    What is the climate like where you live and what kind of paint are you using?

  • Daf32531740 Daf32531740 on Apr 07, 2018

    Pacific Northwest.... lots of rain..ugh! I think the paint was something we bought from Lowes.

  • Beth Beth on Apr 07, 2018

    Sounds like you did not prime the wood first. Now you have, unfortunately, made the job harder... scrape/sand the balusters of all the old paint and use a good quality exterior primer. Then paint using a marine paint. It works best in wet climates. Your paint store can advise.

  • Daf32531740 Daf32531740 on Apr 08, 2018

    Marine paint? I never thought of that.,Thanks!