Help decorating my kitchen / dining room walls

by Blk32761027
help decorating
  10 answers
  • Margarite Margarite on Apr 26, 2018

    A large mirror would look nice. I believe it's good feng shui. You could also add a flower arrangements on the table and a rug for the floor.

  • Sue Ryan Sue Ryan on Apr 26, 2018

    the cheapest way. I would add either a large mirror or painting on the back wall. You could also change the ceiling fan with a pendent light fixture. To add some interest, you could change the material on the seats.

  • SandyG SandyG on Apr 26, 2018

    It's really going to be based on your style and colours/decoration. I agree a large mirror would be a great place to start.

    Click on the link below from right here on Hometalk. There are tons of ideas. Have fun.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Apr 26, 2018

    How about a gallery wall? It would look great!

  • Myrna Dixon StGeorge Myrna Dixon StGeorge on Apr 26, 2018

    I would paint the table base and chairs white (or cream?) to lighten up the room, and find a fabric I liked for all the seats. How about painting soft, wide stripes on the back wall with a glazing compound (lots of "how-tos" on YouTube). Just a couple of ideas that wouldn't cost too much.

    • Blk32761027 Blk32761027 on Apr 26, 2018

      Thank you , i never thought about painting the table . We just had the walls painted . It had old wallpaper

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 26, 2018

    Look for a large painting / print that picks up the bottom wall color. Then a pair of sconces, one on either side. Match the candles to the bottom wall color. This would give the dining room feel.

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Apr 26, 2018

    The neutral color of your walls was a good choice! Go to Marshalls, Home Goods, etc and buy a large canvas piece of art. (You'll be surprised how much bang you'll get for the buck!) Then pick up one of the colors in that artwork for the table and chairs. BAM! Instant designer!!

  • Emily Emily on Apr 26, 2018

    You could also go to your local museum where you might find a wider selection of prints. The print of the children my daughter got me at a museum for $1. The prints in the grouping were free (they are Audubon birds) I do lots of things with groups of prints I find. However our town has a "swap shop" where it is possible to find things for free, but book sales etc. would also be a source for book prints. Also depending on your interests you could hang something quite large, like a chart (in our area we are next to the ocean) or a map, or a quilt or even a small rug. I also love china hung on walls and that is pretty inexpensive.

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  • Janet Janet on Apr 28, 2018

    Use a mirror, place some pictures on the wall too. You need placemats as well as fresh flowers on the table. Put a round area rug under the table as well

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jun 16, 2022

    A gallery of Mirrors would look great and make the room look bigger and bounce the light around.