Cost to screen in porch?

Pat pacdits
by Pat pacdits
It has a roof, 4 columns, and the dimensions 6x30. It will need a screen door.

  5 answers
  • Gk Gk on May 06, 2018

    Are you doing this yourself or will your hire a contractor? I would think it will be a minimum of a thousand but probably more if you did it yourself. A contractor--obviously more.

  • Suzette Suzette on May 06, 2018

    Hi Pacdits, Here's a link that may help:

    Good luck!

  • Emily Emily on May 06, 2018

    we did this last summer. In fact our double porch was totally rebuilt. But my husband did the making of the screens and installation of same. Our porch is much smaller 8' X 14' This is the framing that the framed screens are fastened to. The screening panels were the height of the entire frame. The cross pieces are just to protect the screen from the inside. I bought the screening through Amazon and it was only about $125. Could not buy the amount needed locally. This is a pretty time consuming job. My husband is a skilled worker and a dedicated worker and it took him some time but saved us money. The cost of materials is not so great, it would be the cost of the labor. second picture is screening from inside. As soon as weather gets warm and dry enough we will have to paint the decking. Have to wait for lumbar to dry out. Husb says a forty plus hour job to do this. Needed to use a ladder which meant moving it all the time and he is a very focused worker. So what ever labor is in your area, plus materials, plus the difference in the size. My husband was able to use the old screen door, but had to repair it and replace all the screening.

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    • See 4 previous
    • Pat pacdits Pat pacdits on May 11, 2018

      Thanks Emily. That's a great idea!

      Where did you get that large size lattice? It looks amazing.

  • Emily Emily on May 11, 2018

    I loved that lattice which we made ourselves. Unfortunately because we had to put the new screening on the other side of the columns we no longer had room for the lattice. As I recall it was very inexpensive to make and we only painted it once (in fact a little 7 year old boy friend of ours helped with the painting) What we did was make a frame the size of the whole expanse (short in our case) and then just laid the middle piece at the angle we wanted and the width we wanted and continued around. It was not a difficult job as I recall and lasted over 40 years in Maine year round.