Home buyers!

What made you say yes to the house you bought? What was the things you was looking for? I am trying to sell my house in a HOT market. Listed for 35 days have had 13 showings and 1 offer that fell thru ( I know that happens ) . Its in the country on a dairy farm. The farm does not come with the house. You get .7 acres but access to little over an acre for kids to play and pets to run. It's 30 to 45 minutes from 2 big cities. Other houses similar to mine are selling almost before the for sale sign is in the yard. Its brick ranch style, 3 bedroom 2 bath, 2400 sq ft., brand new roof ( as of today ), full unfinished basement. Built in 1968.

  7 answers
  • Hbo27219693 Hbo27219693 on May 09, 2018

    what a great idea you have of asking other people....personally mine was the open layout

    comment photo
  • Polly Fuller Polly Fuller on May 09, 2018

    the most important rooms are the kitchen and bathroom. Update them as far as your budget will allow. remove ALL clutter and personal pictures. Not too much stuff hanging on the walls. put away collections. open drapes, put on all your lights.

  • Rosy Rosy on May 09, 2018

    Make sure your home is clean and uncluttered take down family treasures pictures, knick knacks etc. Paint colors should be neutral colors no heavy drapes or window coverings you want light and airy. Stage your furniture, no furniture that people have to walk around or huge recliner stacked full of coasters, remotes, papers pencils etc. Good luck with your sale.

  • Ask your realtor? Maybe you need a different realtor. Sounds like an awesome 3 bedroom house with basement. Are you over priced? Or is your specific location problematic. Living adjacent to a dairy farm is not everyone's cup of tea. From your description the house is on .7 acre. "Access to a little over an acre for kids to play" too ambiguous as to whose property is it? That could lead to a property line dispute in the future?

    • See 1 previous
    • Oh my goodness! That is an absolute STEAL! You can't buy anything where I live, not even a condo for that amount of money, much less .7 acre.

      Yes post photos - people love to see before requesting an appointment - and your realtor is incorrect, people want to know what their boundaries are to avoid expensive property line lawsuits. Sort that out now so there is no question.

      Maybe I need another house??? 🤗

      If you can afford to hold out a bit longer, do so. Wishing you all the best and please keep us posted.



      I live 50 miles northwest from the center of Downtown Los Angeles, prices here are not much better and you only get a postage stamp sized piece of property. If you want acreage - million plus and it had better be all cash.

  • Sharon Sharon on May 09, 2018

    First I would ask your realtor why she thinks its not getting more viewing traffic and follow her advice. From experience, I would say declutter, pack and remove all your personal items from the home so the buyer can envision their things in the home. You could rent one of those pods for the driveway to prepare to move.

    If its painted in strong color or looks dingy, repaint the rooms a neutral color thats popular like pale gray or that kind of mushroomy beige.

    Clean, clean, clean. Fix any broken items or things that needs repair.

    They say kitchens and bathrooms sell a house, take a critical look at yours.

    Curb appeal is also something you should look at.

    Take new pictures after done sprucing up.

    • See 1 previous
    • Sharon Sharon on May 09, 2018

      I don't know about taking it off the market as that usually leads to lower offers. What are the comparable prices for similar properties in the area? size up your competition? both price wise and amenities. I've seen some put in hidden cameras with audio to see what the potential buyers comments are on the property, then its easy to make the fixes and adjustments. What has your realtor suggested? You could also have a stager come it, they work wonders, worth a couple hundred dollars. Make that kitchen look the best it can.

  • Emily Emily on May 09, 2018

    Any house in our area that is on the market usually has about 35 pictures on Zillow or Trulia or the realtor's site. I know people always say removing everything personal but I have to say once a realtor came here and said that she usually recommends that also but that in our case we should not remove a thing! So I think it might actually depend on the furnishings themselves. How are real estate sales in general in your area? Is your house competitively priced (seems low to me)? How is the school system? Is commuting time too long? Are the other houses you speak of selling fast, really comparable to yours? What if any, is the difference? You need more information before you do anything about the price or really anything to the house itself.

  • Brenda Brandt Deason Brenda Brandt Deason on May 09, 2018

    Location was my first concern, but when I stepped inside, it just felt like my home. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. You might just need to wait for that buyer who falls in love with it.