Asked on May 15, 2014

What color do you think ???

Linda Krull
by Linda Krull
We just replaced the roof in charcoal grey . Now we want to paint the shutters , doors and trim . Suggestions please !
today was overcast , not the best pic.
the old roof
  64 answers
  • Michaela Edwards Michaela Edwards on May 15, 2014
    white tone and the left window surrounding the same as the roof
  • Lori Fent Lori Fent on May 15, 2014
    I don't know if this helps but we did our roof in the same color gray and we were also thinking about painting the shutters, but they are red now. We have sand colored siding on the house. I was actually thinking about doing the exact color you have now. Not so sure now. We also put a porch on the front and were thinking of staining it in red.
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on May 15, 2014
    A medium charcoal gray would look good on the shutters, leaving the window trim white. The color would also go with your rock front. Also on the window with all the blue underneath, I would paint just the shutters the Medium Charcoal gray and then paint the bottom piece a light gray that would match gray tones in the rock. The front door in the lighter gray along with the front peak and roof trim. Note: If the panel under the window isn't a permanent structure, I think I would remove and buy shorter shutters for that window, to me it detracts from the beautiful window and rock front.
  • Maryanne Matteo Maryanne Matteo on May 15, 2014
    I would do classic black shutters and the trim work in a light gray. You may want to do the door in a darker shade of gray.
  • Linda Krull Linda Krull on May 15, 2014
    Here's a closer look .....
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    • Donna Byram Donna Byram on May 15, 2014
      @Linda Krull Love the doors! So Unusual. Think I would replace with full pane double storm doors so you could see more of the doors. Hope you post after pictures.
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  • Heather Lesko Heather Lesko on May 15, 2014
    I would say trim white shutters black and the left side that is blue black put some red planters boxes around the windows. paint the door red or maybe black because the brick has a little red to it.
  • Linda Krull Linda Krull on May 15, 2014
    Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.
  • Rosalie M Rosalie M on May 15, 2014
    Black would frame the entire house.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 16, 2014
    It would be good to lighten up the dark look, but I have no idea what color to suggest. I see a light shade in your brick (but not a good view) that you might try to pull out...just a thought...I can't tell if it is a sandy color or a terra cotta color...??? You don't want orange, but a pretty terra cotta might work!
  • Michele Eures Michele Eures on May 16, 2014
    We have the same roof and we painted our shutters black. I really like it, it sort of grounds the front of the house. Your house is very pretty and I agree about your landscaping - it's gorgeous!
  • Marlene Haigh Marlene Haigh on May 16, 2014
    I would go for impact paint the shutters a greenish gray and pop the front door with a mustard yellow!
  • Kara Spurlock Kara Spurlock on May 16, 2014
    I think black shutters would really be great, white trim! But have some fun with the door color. I would go with a bright bold color. Check out the color safari green!
  • Burgundy color on trims and door.
  • Patty S Patty S on May 17, 2014
    Too much going on with too many different tones and brick. You already have two different bricks and two different colors on the house. Keep it simple and give a more rich look with Gray shutters to match the roof. Burgundy/brown doors and everything else in white, including the area around the double windows on the left.
  • Marianne Marianne on May 17, 2014
    Definitely black shutters, white trim and your favorite color (bright version) for the front door. Your favorite color will make you smile everytime you see it. Would change the storm door to a small frame and mostly glass so your color shows thru. I love your house, especially the rock. Very nice!
  • Irish53 Irish53 on May 17, 2014
    gun metal blue and gray always look great .
  • Deb Barr Salgat Deb Barr Salgat on May 17, 2014
    A clay color for where the white peak is and maybe a shade darker or lighter of the same tone for the shutters. It would tie the two different bricks together, I think.
  • Anna Erishkigal Anna Erishkigal on May 17, 2014
    A bright, hunter or even skewing towards emerald green would be beautiful on your shutters and front door and would really 'pop' against the bricks. Your front gable window detail, however (the spot where you have the two windows come out of that front gable that juts out) would be too much in all that green, so I would paint that white to match the siding on the roof above it and add two green shutters on either side to tie it all together. If you want to get really daring, you could paint your front door cardinal red, but I would photoshop up a mock-up first to make sure it looks good.
  • 117135 117135 on May 17, 2014
    I would go with black shutter, white trim and a bold color on the door. I would stay away from burgundy with brick, it blends too much and it does not always creat a nice monotone look, sometimes the burgundy clashes with the tones in the brick. I would paint the area on left of house with the white trim, don't have the entire area be the shutter color. The patch matching the shutter color makes the wrong impact of color.
  • Susan Doty Susan Doty on May 17, 2014
    I would go with a Dark Charcoal to offset that wonderful new roof! If you want to lighten up though I would go with the White which would match your trim and bring attention to your beautiful home!
  • Sherry. JUNKIN Sherry. JUNKIN on May 17, 2014
  • Jim L Jim L on May 17, 2014
    First, remove the shutters from the double window next to the bay-window. They are way to small and are out of balance. Painting the shutters a super high-gloss black would be nice, then the bump-out dark gray to co-ordinate with the roof, white trim (and white around the front door) and a soft yellow for the front door. Have you thought about adding a circular drive in front? That would keep everyone from going to your back (garage) door. Also, it would break up the expanse of lawn. Take up the walk that runs in front now and enlarge your bed there.
  • Candace Green Candace Green on May 17, 2014
    I would definitely remove the shutters on the double window next to the bay window. I also agree with painting the shutters black. I think I would leave the trim white. I would paint the white gable to the left and the blue section directly under it a color that would match the brick to incorporate it into the house. The door, I would go with a deep red to bring out the color if you want a pop of color. I would also incorporate some red flowers into your flowerbed to add an additional pop of color. Good luck.
  • Angel w/ Attitude Angel w/ Attitude on May 17, 2014
    Well, you certainly have quite a few different view points, all sound good except for mustard. Try taking off the shudders, see if you like the house w/out them. I'm not a fan of shudders, myself. The brick is beautiful. I like white, but it's your house, buy some sample colors and paint it on, it's only paint. Your door can be a totally different color, I like a rusty dark red, or dark teal. Unless you have to deal w/ an HMO it's your home go for it!
  • Daphne Scott Daphne Scott on May 17, 2014
    black roof and red
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on May 17, 2014
    There's a lot going on. The white gable and bluish bumpout throw the house off balance. I'd paint both to match the reddish brick colour, and put shutters on the window. I'd remove the shutters on the window beside the big bay. Before I repainted the white trim and charcoal shutters, I'd paint the front door turquoise. This will draw attention to the prettiest part of your home, and is a good colour to use with reddish brick, stone coloured brick, and charcoal roof and shutters.. You could also add extra colour in plantings and/or one of those big black pots which have spikes, flowers, etc.
  • Tamara McMillan Tamara McMillan on May 17, 2014
    I think with the dark bricks and dark roof a soft light color would work well to make them noticeable.. .. a light gray; mint green or light blue shade.
  • Virginia B Virginia B on May 17, 2014
    I think your house would look nice with the trim left white or a light gray. Then paint the shutters a really dark blueberry color and paint the door a slate blue that is more to the gray side. I've seen that blueberry color used with brick like yours and it's beautiful. Can't wait to see what you end up with.
  • Jne290005 Jne290005 on May 17, 2014
    Charcoal gray
  • Elle Elle on May 17, 2014
    I think a color in the plum family would look really good. Like a deep rich bluish purple. I think that will not compete with the roof color but will still be able to stand on its own.
  • Lucy Fraser Lucy Fraser on May 17, 2014
    Hi If you go to Sherwin-Williams Paint site, you can do paint projects. Interior or exterior. You post the pics select color charts see how it looks on your home. I am having a similar dilemia but I have an old mobile and no xtra cash. Learning to go with the flow!
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on May 17, 2014
    Well, you have gotten a lot of suggestions so far for color, but may I suggest you remove the storm doors altogether to focus on your double doors? From your photos you have eight horizontal openings, all with a panel window look, including your storms. I had to look closely to realize that there were nice double doors under there! The storms look too similar to your windows & there is no focus at all on your entryway, which should be immediately apparent from the street. Your front doors should stand out from the windows and shutters & definitely look entirely different from everything else. Just my take on your beautiful house....good luck!
  • Thej Thej on May 17, 2014
    Indeed you have a lot going on. I'm going to go in a different direction and say leave the paint colors as is and instead put your money into landscaping the front of your home. Everything is straight lines with all the bushes in a row along the house. See if you can get a professional landscape plan done for $200 or $300 and then follow his plans. I hate the straight sidewalk in front of your home as it controls what you plant in front of the house and the outside needs some curves to soften up the angularity of the house. In the front, you have one tree and miles of grass. With the right landscaping you can give your home the punch that you are looking to get without painting a thing.
  • Centrd Centrd on May 17, 2014
    I agree about the light blue, gray, or minty tones to lighten things up with all that dark going on. I also agree with losing the shutters around the window to the right of the bay. I'd also lose the storm doors so your front door can become the true focal point (if spouse objects, then at least paint the storm doors and front door the same bold color). I'd also paint your downspouts a color that blends in with the brick/stone, because they're just adding to the confusion of too many things happening. Also, on the left where that large blue surround is, I think it should be the same color as the wood above the window (now white). That would be an immediate improvement & make more architectural impact if it were all the same color. White would work with the rest of the trim, or I could even see a light gray that works with your stone color looking nice there, but any bold color should be reserved for your front door, imo. Just a little paint and you'll having a stunning home.
  • You have a "built-in" color palette in your brick and stone already. Look to see if there is a color in the stone that YOU like and pull it out for your shutters and the bump out if you chose to keep it in an accent color.. Just make sure it is compatible with the brick tones. You can consider different hues of the colors in your stone for more or less intensity. I would suggest keeping all trim white. Something to consider: The white gable in the siding looks somewhat out of place. Was there brick there also at one time like the right side? I would suggest painting that gable to match the brick so the home is more balanced. Take care of these items and then look at your home again. A color for the door just might "speak to you " once the other painting is finished. You can pick that color anytime :) Good luck and let us see how it turns out.
  • Chris Purvis Chris Purvis on May 17, 2014
    how about white
  • Dana Dana on May 17, 2014
    Since you have a gray roof and red brick, I would go with a cool color. I guess you would have to repaint the exterior wall (on the left side of the house) and the shutters the same. There are so many shades of green and blues that would compliment the red brick, or go gray to match up the roof. Or there is always white since your trim is white. I don't know about losing the storm door like one person said, cause in Ohio, you need that.
  • Londa Barth Fulton Londa Barth Fulton on May 17, 2014
    Leave it...It's a classic look...but the landscape needs more color to liven up the view. Shrubs that bloom in pinks and blues would freshen it up
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on May 17, 2014
    The first thing I notice is the balance..the white section on the L needs to be toned down. If the blue surrounding it can me removed I'd to that.that huge white and blue section is what you eye goes to first. ... Paint the white wall and blue section the same color as the brick. ADD shutters to that window, it will balance that space, its your focal point,due to the size and color,,, not the front door. I'd paint all the shutters black or off black (dark dark grey), since you have a black lamp post.Use black as your accent in lights, hardware, for a wrought iron feel, and even the birdbath... Leave all the rest of the trim white..I would remove the shutters to the R of the bay, ,it will give it a balanced slightly more formal look...the DOOR I'd paint a strong light TAN!~ picked up from the brick~rock to help make the bay window brick area, entry the focal point..That directs the traffic and says "come this way " Finish the look with bright summer flowers and maybe a couple of low growig flowering shrubs in addition to the fountain....take a photo, and use an app to play with the colors....there are several they use for virtual home can also take it to a good paint store.. some places will help you with it.and play with the color palete . I just read all of MARKET READY HOME STAGIING comments,, and agree I too would wait for the exact shade of door paint.. BTW,.,LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BAY WINDOW...
  • Karen B Karen B on May 17, 2014
    White trim, black shutters, and red door!
  • Barbara Turner Barbara Turner on May 17, 2014
    I'm partial to Teal blue-green for the door and White for the trim. That's just me. I tend to go by the KISS rule - Keep it simple stupid! At least that's what my daughter always says to me! LOL
  • Lynn Zawojski Lynn Zawojski on May 17, 2014
    @Linda Krull, having lived in West Chester for years in an antique home, the anchor home for the development, and a decorator, I have to express my love of the area and what I'd do this home if it were mine... Since almost every home in Cinci is beige, taupe, etc, I love the fact you went with charcoal gray. When I see the delft blue, I think it would be a better idea for all white trim, paint the main part of your home Yes, Paint the bricks, a charcoal gray, and the left side of your hoime, where the two windows are and the blue around them, a medium gray. you can have your door a blue because, a different door is a great accent, and again keeping the trim areas white. The two ends ( left and right) could be a light gray, and taking the storm doors off, will make it NOT look like a condex, or a two family ranch... The double doors are gorgeous, play off the door and consider painting the shutters the same color...or a blue or black door and paint the shutters white or black. Cinci isn't ready for shock colors like what I suggested but you'll be surprised at those who will compliment your choices... Again, almost every development uses shads of paige. We painted our old home, off white and neighbors were shocked, but loved it.... Everyone is afraid to paint brick and siding... not me.... I embrace color... good luck... Lynn
    • See 1 previous
    • Lynn Zawojski Lynn Zawojski on May 22, 2014
      @Jeanette S We had the home in Ohio painted off white, a cream, and loved it. and we had white trim. Do it... Everyone is so afraid to paint brick... We even had 10 inch brick walls that we painted... IN everyroom.... I guess they liked brick... the neighbors asked us why we painted the brownish brick, and we said" because we love painted brick" and we received many compliments. The house was 140 years old and we freshened it right up. Start in the back. If you begin in the front, the elders say you may give up and never get to the back. good luck...Lynn
  • Tina Yoder Tina Yoder on May 17, 2014
    gray for all the trim gray around picture window and a black door it will look sharp!
  • Tina Yoder Tina Yoder on May 17, 2014
    also do shutters black.
  • Vicki Anderson Pocopanni Vicki Anderson Pocopanni on May 17, 2014
    @Linda Krull I like @Wanda sinnema's idea. She said almost exactly what I was thinking. Since you have two colors of stone I was thinking choose a color without as much contrast and tone down the accents... My next door neighbor's house is red brick and she has cream trim and black shutters. (They had blue in the past) We had a cream with a Taupe color on a house once and it was nice. We have a brick foundation on our house that is a mixed color of white, gray, and brown. Last time we painted it , we put a grey based taupe on the body, bright white trim with Marine blue shutters and door. We only have two shuttered windows on the front so that is why we keep the same color with the door. I think the area under the Gable could be treated more as part of the house rather than an accent so matching the brick and painting that part would be nice. You can still paint the top trim. As for plants, since you don't have a lot of space for growth, you maybe able to add a few low growing plants. You could also dig out a bed in front of the window in question to give it some depth. My advice; no matter what you plant check mature growth and never closer that 3-4 feet from the house. I have landscaped my whole yard and even did my front over about ten years ago. In a horticulture class years ago I learned never to plant a tree in front of your home that blocks the view of your home. Best on corners. Good luck. I took weeks to decide on mine but have really been pleased. You have a lot to consider here.
  • Cindi Cindi on May 18, 2014
    I am thinking, for the shutters, a dark smokie grey,,,and the wall surronding the two windows, a shade just lighter than the bricks. Keeping all the rest white trim
  • Kate Chatterton Kate Chatterton on May 18, 2014
    I have to agree with Wanda Sinnema on almost everything, except painting the door tan. For three reasons; one, to me that makes the door blend into the rock facade and I like to have a front door that stands out, two, I feel it lacks personality and from shade of blue on the house I don't think you lack personality and third I don't like tan. Not that number three matters in the least, but my advice would be to pick a vibrant color that makes you heart sing, then bring that color into your landscaping with plants and/or art. From the style of your home and the mature trees in the picture I am guessing you live in a well established neighborhood, and don't want to standout in a bad way. So my advice is pick a door color you LOVE, and will make you smile each time you come home. A colored door on an otherwise conservative home says personality without being in your face. FYI I have a yellow brown house with black and white trim and a red door. I had to "interview" almost a dozen reds before I found the one that made me smile.
  • MaryEllen MaryEllen on May 18, 2014
    The new roof looks great! I think a light buttery yellow would brighten everything up and it would also be complimentary with the red brick and gray roof.
  • Anney Anney on May 18, 2014
    Beautiful home...I would paint your shutters black, the wall surrounding the windows a medium grey, trim white and your door either a navy or red.
  • Nancy InTn Nancy InTn on May 18, 2014
    Door red, shutters white. I think the house needs to be brightened up a bit.
  • Pam Bolton Pam Bolton on May 18, 2014
    Love your house. Ranch-style houses are my favorites. I think a mid-tone grey for the trim, a slightly deeper grey on the shutters and to add that pop, paint the front door a soft butter yellow or a vibrant blue-green. Please show us the end results.
  • Faith Faith on May 18, 2014
    Red door, black shutters. Anything with that blue color needs to go. More and taller plants.
  • Linda Krull Linda Krull on May 19, 2014
    Painted the shutters a dark charcoal grey . Big improvement already . Thanks everyone for the suggestions ! I will update as we go :)
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  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on May 19, 2014
    You have a beautiful home.The roof looks great.You have a lot of blue trim which,I really like.I think you need to paint the front door so that it really stands out.Love a red door.Would do that first, then see what you think.Geraniums look great with red doors.They are easy to care for love the sun,don't have a lot of flowers dropping and always look nice.Put out a nice American flag and it will look really beautiful!Happy Memorial Day!Happy summer finally!!
  • Teresa Schroepfer Teresa Schroepfer on May 19, 2014
    I'm sure you have heard this. Soft gray shutters because the brick is pretty dark and this would make the roof and brick look really sharp. (Just a thought) good luck. I do think a black door would look really cool.
  • Jeani Jeani on May 23, 2014
    Barn red. Or if there is any hint of orange in the brick a dark burnt orange
  • Meri C Meri C on May 29, 2014
    @Linda Krull: The pic you posted for the dark gray shutters, still looks blue. I wonder if you would consider painting them the brown-gray of the stone under the large picture windows in front? Then a Dark Brownish-Gray, almost black front door would look really really sharp!
  • LYNN LYNN on Jan 16, 2015
    So what color did it end up being??? Picture???
  • Casita Casita on Apr 15, 2015
    I would do a very very dark indigo blue on the shutters. There is a color that looks almost black. In a Semi gloss. make sure the shutters have been resounded and cleaned.
  • Diane Diane on Aug 07, 2015
    Forest green
  • Patricia Swinford Patricia Swinford on Sep 12, 2015
    I have something similiar. too bright a colors take away from the brick house and roof . We did the shutters in the solid look and bought them in black. It looks very nice
  • D D on Aug 29, 2016
    Or, go Charleston Green which is almost black. Your bricks are a great color, so go bright and bold in your favorite color!!!