Light up my life- Any suggestion to make my apartment brighter?

Angel Buffalino
by Angel Buffalino
I just downsized from a house to a one-bedroom apartment. It seems to be a very dim and dark living room area with no windows. There are windows in the adjacent dining room area which is rather large. I have two lamps in the living room which are not offering enough light. Any suggestions? I'm looking for easy projects and not big builds. I don't really have the tools for it or the d y i knowledge
The living room is dark and narrow with no windows. You can see the windows lying in the dining room behind.
  13 answers
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 07, 2018

    If you put a large mirror on the Living room wall to reflect back some of that gorgeous light coming through the dining room windows it might help. Wishing you lots of happy memories in your new apartment too.

    • Angel Buffalino Angel Buffalino on Jun 07, 2018

      thank you it would have to be a pretty small mirror the wall opposite is only about 3 and 1/2 to 4 feet wide. but I just may try it temporarily either that or maybe make a lightbox window type since there is an outlet on this short wall

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  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jun 07, 2018

    I would also try adding a brightly colored throw and throw pillows.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 08, 2018

    The lightbox window would work too.

  • Sandra N Leon Rollins Sandra N Leon Rollins on Jun 08, 2018

    Rules are to be broken- swap out your dining room and living room spaces!

  • Margarite Margarite on Jun 08, 2018

    I agree with Sandra N. Swap out the two rooms.

    • Angel Buffalino Angel Buffalino on Jun 08, 2018

      I would honestly if the kitchen weren't right off the nail dining room. I'm kind of clumsy I don't think I would be taking food through the living room into a changed dining room space without making some sort of mess but it is an option. It also offers more living room space

  • Diane Diane on Jun 08, 2018

    I agree with using mirrors. They can reflect light. Also, LED light bulbs will go a long way to lighting up your space. Soft white is a nice one. Ask at your hardware store because they can be very helpful too.

  • Happy Days Hometalker Happy Days Hometalker on Jun 08, 2018

    The room swap is a great suggestion as well as the mirrors. You could use plastic runners on the carpet until you got used to the changes in case of food spills. Good luck and enjoy your new digs.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 08, 2018

    Mirrored surfaces can help bounce the light you do get.... around into the room... Tall touchier lights to save floor space and mirrors on the wall (lots of medium to small ones... find a thrift shops etc... the larger ones need more support for the weight... which equals more holes in the walls to repair)

  • Ellis Ellis on Jun 11, 2018

    One thing you can do is to hang a good sized mirror on the wall, positioning it where it will reflect the light from those windows. I'm referring to the kind of mirror that has a frame and is hung like a picture. It doesn't have to be expensive; I get lots of compliments on a mirror I bought in a big box store.

  • Twyla J Boyer Twyla J Boyer on Jun 11, 2018

    I don't know if your lamps are floor lamps or table lamps, but if you can, get a couple floor lamps that throw the light onto the ceiling. As long as the ceiling is a bright white, that will help brighten up the room.

    You can add fairy lights behind a screen of some sort - LEDs don't get hot and they last forever. Or you could get an inexpensive thrift store frame, go to the hardware store and get a piece of mirror cut to fit the frame (super cheap!), and attach fairy lights around the mirror frame so the lights form a border at the edges of the mirror. Twice as much light since they reflect off the mirror as well as shining into the room. And when I say fairy lights, I mean the tiny ones that look like little blobs of glue on a copper wire, not Christmas lights.

    Hope you will post after pictures showing what you did. Enjoy your new space!

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 11, 2018

    Add some bright accents...maybe yellow...a throw, a vase... Not much you can do about getting more light.

  • Beth Beth on Jun 19, 2018

    I just redid my husband’s office and his biggest issue was also lighting. I had bought him a torchiere last year but he needed more light. I got small LED lights from Walmart you can put anywhere - that came with remotes - and put them under his desk and bookcases. I used Velcro command strips to attach them. Then I purchased three table lamps at Dollar General. Now he has lots of lighting at different heights and it feels like a completely different room. You might want to also consider adding rope liguts around the underside of your coffee table.

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  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Jun 19, 2018

    You need a bright accent color. Think red, orange, bright gold/ yellow. That would help brighten it up.