Remodeling inside a munufatured home

by Theresa
We just bought one made in 1994. I have no problem with painting and changing the look of the vinyl coated wallboard but I’ d really like to move a couple ”walls”. For instance, there’s a tiny shower, only 30” wide. Does anyone know if I can move the inside wall to widen it ? Same for the closets? Thanks
This is the wall piece I’d like to move
  9 answers
  • Wendy Wendy on Jun 14, 2018

    It should be ok, you need to check that it wont affect the structure of the home.

  • Julie Julie on Jun 14, 2018

    I am sorry - I can’t answer your question. However I am really interested in what you use to paint the vinyl covered wallboard. I have a 5th wheel that I really want to lighten up, and would love to be able to paint the walls, but I have no idea what to use. Thanks in advance for any help you can send my way.

    • Theresa Theresa on Jul 30, 2018

      julie, still working on my remodel but thought I would share a couple pics and suggestions. This is the kitchen I’m still working on(slowly). Faux brick on one wall. I followed the diy on here. Then on to painting. Creamy white on one side, light grey on the other. Grey for framing also. I had to prime before I painted because 1) I could still see the pattern of the vinyl under the paint and 2) it seemed to scratch off too easily. Now that it’s dry I have no problem. Next will be backsplash, which I’m working on. Good luck with your paint job

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  • Lyn Peterson Marshall Lyn Peterson Marshall on Jun 14, 2018

    I live in a mobile home, and I used regular Behr indoor paint on the walls. I just made sure I washed them down real well (previous owners smoked) and then I painted them. You can't remove the "wallpaper" as it is applied ina factory and is really part of the "wallboard". I used some pale colors in some rooms, and some darker colors in others, and I also used a deep color on a small accent wall. That wall I needed to use 2 coats, but that was only to make sure the color was uniform on the wall. I really didn't find it any different that paining walls in a stick built home - hope that helps.

  • Lyn Peterson Marshall Lyn Peterson Marshall on Jun 14, 2018

    As to moving walls - in my home at least, the flooring goes down, and then the walls go up. Be very careful that if you move a wall, it is not structural, as most of the walls are placed strategically, and are supporting something else. Also, if you move a wall, you will find that the flooring underneath is much cleaner or a much lighter color than that around it, simply because it has been covered by the wall all the years. If you can get the schematic from the home manufacturer, it would help. I was able to get mine even though it was over 12 years old when I bought it. Needed the VIN, model number and manufacturer name, which should be on the title. Then I called them, and they sent it to me (luckily they had it in their old catalog).

    • Theresa Theresa on Jun 14, 2018

      Tried to contact manufacturer, but it figures they went out of business!

  • Sherri Costelow Sherri Costelow on Jun 14, 2018

    Our cousin and his wfe bought a 1974 double wide mobile home last fall. We gutted the kitchen, removing the 3 walls that formed a small pantry, pulling out all cabinets and appliances, and ripped out the flooring down to the sub flooring beams. We used regular interior paint to cover the hideous pattern on the paneled walls, and it work great. It overed just as on a drywall surface.

    If four 70-something’s can do this, anyone can!!

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    • Mogie Mogie on Jun 14, 2018

      Wow what a difference! Amazing what some good old fashioned elbow grease can accomplish.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 14, 2018

    We have moved a couple of walls in our mobile home... the process is pretty much the same as in a regular house... except most of the small walls like the one for the shower are not structural and the framing is usually only 2x3... a sawsall will take it out easily.... just be aware... the flooring has normally been installed before the walls go up... same for the popcorn ceilings...

  • Theresa Theresa on Jun 14, 2018

    Really nice work! Makes me feel more confident with my ideas now. Thanks

  • Lyn Peterson Marshall Lyn Peterson Marshall on Jun 14, 2018

    Darn, who was it, maybe someone else took them over?

    • Theresa Theresa on Jun 15, 2018

      I did talk to another company(they are the ones that told me about the company closing) but unfortunately they don’ have the old schematics for mine

  • Lyn Peterson Marshall Lyn Peterson Marshall on Jun 15, 2018

    small wall like the shower you may be able to remove, the pictures above give hope to the entire process