How to grow vegetables in a limited space?

Regina Lee
by Regina Lee
  6 answers
  • Square foot gardening. I've been doing it for years and get more than enough. Oh, and get Mel Bartholomew's book too. It's well worth it.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 16, 2018

    Horse troughs... they are relatively inexpensive for the square footage.. and they hold a fair amount of plants (depending on what you plant) .. squash, melons and cucumbers can be trained on a trellis to save space

    Hanging baskets can grow lettuce, radishes, herbs, onions... things with shallower root systems... we are growing asparagus in an old trash can.

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  • My backyard space is very limited too. There are many things you can also grow in pots. Rotate your crops from year to year, I always grow tomatoes, but other things get cycled in and out. This year I am growing pumpkins and watermelons, sweet potatoes and a bunch of herbs, in ground and in pots. Grow things you like to eat and enjoy growing!

  • Nancy Nichols Smith Nancy Nichols Smith on Jun 16, 2018

    I use recycled plastic pots from a grocery chain's bakery. They don't recycle them, so I asked them to save them for me, and after a couple of weeks, went by and picked them up, washed them out and drilled 5 drain holes about 1 inch up from the bottom and one center bottom. These had icing in them so be sure to clean very well or they will draw ants. I use them to grow tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, eggplant, strawberries, corn (new try this year) sweet peppers, lettuce (romaine), kale and all my herbs. I only use the side yard of my house, and have picked so far 5 lbs of tomatoes, 6 pounds of beans, 1 pint strawberries, 2 full stalks of lettuce, and am currently drying: peppermint, oregano, basil, stevia, dill, parsley, cilantro and rosemary.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 16, 2018

    How big is the space that is available?