Needing to add character to gas fireplace in Living Room?!?

by Mne28760313

So our fireplace is right in the middle of our living room , which also has a high ceiling. I was thinking of doing the stacked air stone that I have seen , and maybe going all the way up. Then I started thinking actually maybe I would want to add a light gray , or another color pattern tile around the fireplace, and leave the rest the way it is. I think it looks so small for such a high ceiling. What do you all think?

High ceilings

Sorry it is blurry .... standing under loft area in LR , by entry way of our house.

up close

  5 answers
  • Ella Frierson Bond Ella Frierson Bond on Jul 30, 2018

    Amazing - looks so much like my gas fireplace. We were moving things around and I just realized that I left stuff on the mantel. Normally I only have 3 things. I don't have vaulted ceiling like you but they are 9 foot. I love your mantle - we even have similar hearths. You might want to try larger picture or mirror. And I was thinking that something smaller over the chair. Maybe the round thing (clock?) lower than the Pic or mirror. could just play with it util you like it. Let me know what you do.

    comment photo
    • Mne28760313 Mne28760313 on Aug 02, 2018

      Hi Ella , our fireplaces are similar! I am wanting to change mine actually by adding airstone ( stacked stone ) or painting the tiles around the fireplace. I am getting a bigger clock , and I have things to go on the wall to the side. With higher ceilings everything has to be BIGGER ... lol We just re arranged the furniture in here a few weeks ago , and I dont have it all set up yet. I will post what i decide.

  • Ella Frierson Bond Ella Frierson Bond on Aug 02, 2018

    Cool. I love your white mantle !!

  • You could use paint instead of stone, and it's easy to do in a weekend. Use a bold paint that would be in line with your fireplace, but contrasting with the wall. Here's an example:

    • Mne28760313 Mne28760313 on Aug 30, 2018

      Thanks for the reply. I looked at her room , and it looks like her Fireplace is on a bumped out wall , where as mine is flat. I feel like if I did that I would have to frame it out somehow, which could be a good idea with some wood.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Aug 29, 2018

    Bookcases painted to math the mantel on each side to create a built in look.

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Aug 29, 2018

    I think as Ella said a large mirror the size of the mantel, then as Lisa said a narrow bookcase but only to the right to balance that wall. Or a shelf the same length and height and width will also do the trick or narrow console table.

    The clock can then go in the middle, and the art work you have now on top of the book shelf. Short plant pots with trailing as you have on each side of mantel and shelf/bookcase.