Asked on Sep 19, 2018

Laying down inexpensive peel stick?

by Kimberly

Even though I rent and the bathroom is small. I want to lay down inexpensive peel and stick tilrd. So how do I measure the floor and will this change the dynamics of the bathroom? Need some guidance!

  8 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 19, 2018

    Measure the wall from the corner to the tub. Then corner to the door. Multiply to get square footage. Add 10% for the amount to purchase.

    Example: Corner to tub = 5' x Corner to door = 8'

    8 x 5 = 40 + 10% = 44 square feet of flooring

  • Kelly Pinette Kelly Pinette on Sep 20, 2018

    Are you planning on removing existing vinyl or going over it?

    I suggest removing it for better adhesion. Clean the surface by scraping off any residual adhesive, sand if necessary to get a nice smooth surface.

    This is optional, but recommended - use a primer first, such as this one, it’s thin like water and will improve adhesion of those ‘inexpensive peel & stick tiles’.

    When laying the tiles, use a square to make sure everything lines up properly. (If your walls aren’t perfectly 90 degrees to each other it will show in your tile laying). Baseboards will be removed (before priming) then use the square in the first corner to pencil in a line to follow. If there ends up being a tiny space between line and wall, the baseboard should cover it.

    Lastly, always start your next tile by lifting it perpendicular to last tile and press top corner in and carefully laying the tile to get the closest fit possible.

    Hope this helps!

    ** I am in NO way advertising this particular primer. It just happens to be the one recommended by the store I bought the peel & stick tiles at.

    comment photo
  • Gk Gk on Sep 20, 2018

    Another easy way for you to figure out how many tiles you need is to count! Your tile squares look to be 12x12--the same size of the peel and stick tiles. Count each tile as one whole tile and you will have a good idea of how many you need! Sometimes you have to buy a whole box of tiles-other times you can buy individual tiles. If you only need two more tiles than what one box contains you aren't forced to buy two boxes and have that many extra laying around. Another thing that I have done is stick extra tiles inside my vanity where the plumbing is. Keeps the floor/bottom of the vanity from getting damaged from cleaning products or any water leaks.

    • Kimberly Kimberly on Sep 24, 2018

      I would have never of thought to put peel and stick tiles under a vanity or even under a sink. Great idea. Thank You!

  • Pam Pam on Sep 20, 2018

    applied these in bathroom over existing peel& stick , i cleaned well with TSP cleaner, don't use anything w/ too much soapy residue. then applied wood looking planks that are peel&stick purchased @ home depot or Lowes . i didn't remove toilet , i just made a templet and cut tile to match and fit and used caulk to hide a few boofs

    looks like real wood and is water safe.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Sep 20, 2018

    Get it in writing if possible from your landlord, before doing anything. I wouldn't put any type of adhesive over the current floor.

  • Margaret Margaret on Sep 20, 2018

    Exactly Cynthia H

    No matter how much you would love to change something at somewhere you rent and how much you think it would make the place look better if and when you moved out for the next tenant believe me I know some landlords can be a pain in the rump and charge you for it anyway.

  • Pamela Pamela on Sep 20, 2018

    I agree, get it in writing , that it's ok. Also take a before and after shot.

    I used a peel and stick textured wood look plank. I got it off Amazon for $13 a box. Each box covered 15 square feet. It looks awesome !!!!!! And was easy to put down . To measure , measure wall to wall in both directions then multply. If your bathroom is 8 feet wide and 10 feet long..8x10=80 square feet then find out how many square feet a box covers and figure out , how many boxes you will need...ALWAYS get a little more than you need !!! Originally i bought enough to do our laundry room , I needed just over 1 box , so I ordered 2 , with tax it came out to under $30 !!! With almost a whole box left over . We liked it so much we did both bathrooms , the entryway & kitchen !!!

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 09, 2024

    Hi Kimberly, hope this helps. It is easy to do and easy to cut because they are vinyl.