How do I convert an enclosed screened in porch to an all-season porch?

by Ruby

I would like to enclose this porch with windows, add heating/cooling, and add flooring.

  3 answers
  • Dee Dee on Sep 19, 2018

    Here is a video to help you

  • Emily Emily on Sep 19, 2018

    My Brother in law did this to a south facing porch in central New York state. He used glass/screened sliding doors. On a sunny day in mid winter it can get to 90º there,

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Sep 19, 2018

    This requires a local architect or accredited architectural designer. Why?

    What you’re asking for meets the definition of “living space”. The porch needs to be field inspected by a pro who can explain to you what it will take to convert this to occupiable space & the Building Permit & construction processes.

    For Example:

    This porch would have to have proper footings/foundation, it has probably a 4” slab.

    The finished floor has to be at least 8” above Grade.

    All the new construction must meet the new Codes.

    Proper stud walls, anchored to the foundation & to the new ceiling/roof joists and the house.

    Your existing house HVAC may or may not be able to support this space. Same with the electrical system. Those & many many other things must be evaluated and then calculated in the Construction Documents.

    If a Builder convinces one that they can do this and not pull Permits, that’s incorrect and is actually fraudulent. I can explain this further if you want.

    I’ve had one client who illegally did this very kind of porch enclosure, with no Codes considerations and no permits, 20 years ago and the City found it on satellite imagery, knocked on their door and gave them a citation and a 120 Day notice to either tear all of it out or to have full Retrofit and Upgrade Architectural Plans in for Building Permits I’d face further fines. The City would not grandfather it.

    An architecture pro can tell you how your City interprets the International Residential Code, when they do your consultation, for things like putting windows in, only.

    You could put in frost proof ceramic tile floor without permits 😃