My interest are in how to draw Scenery how can I get articles on sce

by Rebecca
  4 answers
  • Diane Coverdale Diane Coverdale on Oct 16, 2018

    Try searching on They have wonderful instructions.

  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 16, 2018

    Buy or go to the library and find books on drawing landscapes.

  • Emily Emily on Oct 16, 2018

    What is your artistic talent? This is a small oil painting done on site by an artist. You can take lessons. You could also start painting by doing still lives. You could just go out into your yard with some colored pencils or crayons and draw what you see. That will give you a base from which to develop.

    comment photo
  • Pinterest has great tutorials. Just go to Google and type in "how to draw scenery" and you will be amazed as to what pops up. You tube has fantastic tutorials too.