Looking for help with redecorating my home/ ?

by Kay

How do I find a designer to come and help me redecorate?

  6 answers
  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Nov 08, 2018

    I’ll help ! luclo56@yahoo.com

    • Kay Kay on Nov 08, 2018

      Hi Marie, thank you for your response. Are you a home decorator by profession?


  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 08, 2018

    Hi Kay, Try looking at Local Adds both in suitable Stores Magazines, Newspapers and also ask around your friends for recommendations........or Go to the Library and borrow a few good books to help you. Good luck

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Nov 08, 2018

    Look on the internet for designers in your area, look at their websites and see who has pictures of their work that are looks you like. Interview a couple and see if they are someone you would be interested in working with, and are within the financial parameters you have for your project.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Nov 08, 2018

    You could check with local design schools. I know someone who went to design school. One of her professors assigned a design project of a local home. Each student presented their design and the homeowner got the benefit.

  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Nov 08, 2018

    No, but decorating is easy. You find a style you like and match colors. And You polish it up with pictures,vases, end tables and the likes.I believe less is more.

    comment photo
    • Kay Kay on Nov 10, 2018

      Thank you Lucy, but I have no idea what style I like and neither does my husband. We are older seniors and really cannot do any of the work ourselves. We just moved to AZ a year ago after living in our previous house for over 40 years. I have many years of pictures accumulated and not one is on the walls yet. I appreciate you suggestion.


  • Google or flip through the yellow pages. If there are design schools in the area, give them a call. You have excellent suggestions here, I am sure you can find a qualified individual that fits within your decorating budget.