How do I care for a large asparagus plant indoors?

by Dicki

How do you bring in a large asparagus fern and keep him happy and not shedding?

  3 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Nov 11, 2018

    They will always shed

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Nov 11, 2018
    Hi Dicki, this is Peggy. Here is some good information on asparagus ferns, hope it is helpful. Good luck Asparagus Fern - Better Homes and Gardens
    1. Cached
    Asparagus ferns do not require periods of winter dormancy but will appreciate a resting period and reduced watering during the winter months. To promote dense plant growth, pinch back the stem tips. If plant shape becomes too sprawling, the stems can be cut back close to the soil to regenerate and encourage new growth.
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Nov 12, 2018

    No such luck on no shedding. They do need good drainage,very bright light(no direct sun unless use to it),dry completely then drown(remember good drainage),kept root bound.One of mine I haven't transplanted in over 6 yrs.,it's 6ft long, blooms white flowers which then turn to red berries every year. I let the berries dry on plant then harvest them to start new plants for friends.They are almost drought tolerant the tubers/roots can last a long time,so very dry between watering.Part of the lily family. Just try to keep it somewhere you can easily clean up the droppings with broom,then you won't regret it so much.If it gets intolerable you can cut it all off it'll come back,however the longer older fronds are what blooms form on.Give it some water soluble Miracle Grow plant food every 6 mos.