How do I keep deer from eating my garden?

by Sherig47
  5 answers
  • Oberlinmom Oberlinmom on Dec 16, 2018

    Other than fencing there's a few things you can try. They don't like new smells. I've read about using hair clippings (smells like humans), Irish Spring soap, tie it to tree branches. Things like that. They may become accustom to the smells so you need to change it up. There are plants that deer are not fond of you can mix in with the ones they like but that doesn't mean they won't pick the ones they like. Check gardening centers to see what else you can use to deter them. We have a herd that tours our yard but they come for the crab apples that fall in abundance and leave most of the other plants alone.

  • Billy Billy on Dec 16, 2018

    Try using old bars of soap attach them on stakes around the outside of your garden fence

  • A fence will be most effective, but human hair has worked for my dad's garden area. (My mom is a hairdresser. ;)

  • Janice Janice on Dec 16, 2018

    I've read that shredding Irish Spring brand bath soap and then sprinkling it in the area tends to keep deer away....they do not like the smell. However, one has to do this regularly as when it rains or snows that dilutes the smell. It's worth a try!

  • The best thing we used was a spray called "Liquid Fence" It smells horrid but it works.