How do you figure out a project you like WITHOUT watching a video ?

Kaysi Rose
by Kaysi Rose

No offense but...I am perusing the internet in the early morning quiet hour while listening to Pandora play lovely, soothing music. I see a project I might be interested in and then I must endure a video of a person doing the project then all the side chatter that is nothing but just that...chatter. No thanks. I hardly ever come here even though I am a DIY~er, for real, because Pinterest hardly ever forces you to watch a video and just gives you a picture with diagrams and written instructions mostly. People who believe others actually WANT to hear and see their videos have my pity because unless I'm fixing my car or well pump or some job that is detailed, mechanical and difficult (I'm a single Mom so car repairs/well pump repair tend to baffle me but is necessary when the nearest store is an hour away and my car is broke down here, at my house or no water unless carried from the creek till the pump is fixed). In this scenario I am grateful for the video and usually these videos are men and they are concise, detailed, to the point and usually not longer than a few minutes~God bless em! Checking my email notifications got me curious this morning about a project and lead me here and a bloody video of the person showing me something I can figure out myself if I see a picture of it. Like I actually WANT to shut my music off and go from curious to all out full attention, people your not that good. It's like the people that give you recipes, but first they must give you a virtual book or short story first , then pictures of each step which look good but again...meaningless and after three pages then you get to get the recipe but by then it's just not worth it. Also, surprise, I live way out in the country and my internet is satellite and expensive to boot and racks up quickly but people don't stop to think that maybe others are not forced, like sardines, in city landscapes where their kitchen window is the lookout for the entire street's backyards but the payoff is unlimited internet? I wouldn't go back to that life if I was paid to. It would be so nice if others would just take time to consider that no one really cares and we just want the know how not the rundown of that person's whatever and so and so. Thinking outside of the box and not following the crowd of eager, vain attempts at a bogus movie star life is really a lost art these days. Thanks, but my REAL life is challenging enough without having make others watch me because I think they actually want to and then force them to watch me if they desire the project knowhow. What's worse is that I'm sure I will have hurt someone's feelings or got them bent out of shape by writing this, but why? Again, it's the ole pseudo movie star life fantasy...Just sayin`~YO!!!

  5 answers
  • I hear what you're saying Kaysi Rose. Often I don't want to watch a video either, but the other side of that coin is that some people really like (and/or need) the video to understand the project. I would Google the project and see if there is another version out there without the video.

  • I don’t watch videos either. I like tutorials :) This is one of the reasons we don’t do many videos on my website! There are many tutorials on Hometalk with no videos and on the Internet too. I usually just browse until I find a food post :)

  • Baxter Baxter on Jan 13, 2019

    There are some videos that are necessary for a project. And there are some videos that are taken from the writer's blogs that have an entertainment edge to them. Some good, some not so good. Same as anything in life, I suppose... There are some people who express gratitude for a gift with a beautifully written note or card. And there are people who write ungratious, lengthy and rude epics, thinking that they are smarter, more creative, more important and more unique than the givers of the free gift. People are something, aren't they.

  • Mary Barnett Howard Mary Barnett Howard on Jan 13, 2019

    Love, love, love this! I am a techno-geek. I was an Instructional tech coordinator for a school district that gave every kid (4,000+) an iPad or MacBook. We are at the forefront of technology, in the middle of nowhere. Internet is sketchy in many small towns. We are at the edge of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, so folks ignorantly assume we have great service.

    Videos have their place, but photojournalism at its best is ‘a picture that says a thousand words’. Bells and whistles are not the answer to better communication. Language is...concise, appropriate, grammatically spoken and written language.

  • Phaedra Phaedra on Jan 13, 2019

    I agree. If I have to watch a video I go to settings and turn up the speed.