How to use the part of my cabinet that is now a dark tunnel?

Vicky Wallace
by Vicky Wallace

My kitchen has a cabinet that is on a corner. I store all my plastic ware down there, but because the inside of this cabinet extends all the way to the wall. Not reachable from the cabinet door. So to use that part of the cabinet I have to pull everything out of the front part. Is it possible to use that deep dark tunnel ?

As you can see that cabinet inside goes another 3 feet to the wall

  5 answers
  • Ellis Ellis on Jan 14, 2019

    There is a pull-out shelving device that can be installed, it will allow you to put things on the shelves, then push in and the shelves swing back into that dead corner. Search for "blind corner cabinet solutions" or "blind corner cabinet organizers."

    I had a cabinet like that--it was where I stored the once-a-year items like turkey roasters, etc.

  • Twinmom219 Twinmom219 on Jan 14, 2019

    Last time I went to Harbor Freight, I received this stick on velcro/magnetic light free. I put it inside the under the kitchen sink cabinet which is my dark abyss. I agree with the the previous answer, move seasonal/specialty items into this cabinet and look for storage ideas to make it more functional.

    comment photo
  • My kitchen has a similar set up. I store my China in there and my grandmother's China too. Seldom used and since I am in earthquake country, a safe place for it to live.

  • Vicky Wallace Vicky Wallace on Jan 14, 2019

    Thank you both for your answers.

  • Dee Dee on Jan 15, 2019

    Funny, I did both those things mentioned above. I installed a battery operated light on the side of the cabinet, and I put all the once a year stuff down there. My goodness, I looked today out of curiosity and there is my old malted mixer. I should sell that on ebay. LOL