How do I remove hard wax on a kitchen countertop?

by JM

what's the best kitchen scrubber to remove wax from a counter top, without scratching it?

  10 answers
  • I got wax on a wooden dining table and used a hairdryer on low to re-heat the wax, and it wiped right off with a paper towel - no scrubbing necessary! This might work on your countertops as well.

  • Pam Pam on Jan 17, 2019

    Try covering wax with several layers of paper towel and use an Iron set on warm to slowly melt wax and wipe away. You could also try a hot water bottle to heat the wax or hair dryer.

  • Everything Pretty Everything Pretty on Jan 18, 2019

    I used a hair dryer. I was also able to gently scrape most off with a spatula. It was soy wax, so it was soft.

  • G G on Jan 20, 2019

    If it’s candle wax you can put ice on it to harden & take a old plastic credit card and scrape it off. A lot of times after it hardens from the ice it will pop off in 1 piece.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 16, 2023

    A warm iron over an absorbant cloth or paper.

  • Cover it with ice until it's frozen. Use a plastic scraper to remove it.

  • Janice Janice 6 days ago

    Either the "freeze" or "melt" method will work well. Great suggestions from Hometalkers.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 5 days ago

    Use a pallet knife To remove most then place on top Kitchen Roll Tissue and use a warm iron to melt and remove rest.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec 5 days ago

    Use a hairdryer on low heat, it should come right off,

    If in globs from a candle, chip off with plastic scraper, heat with with a blow drier, absorb with a soft rsg.

  • Dee Dee 4 days ago

    A hair dryer would work or an iron with a towel on top of the counter. Use a plastic ice scraper from the auto store. It will not hurt your counter top. When you get it all off, use Acetone if your counters are not laminate to clean them. Then seal the top with granite or stone sealer.