How can I update my fireplace on a seriously limited budget?

by Mary

Here is s picture of my fireplace. I've wanted thi updated it for years however I have malignant brain cancer and can't afford to have someone come in and do it for me. It gets used every night for 4 or 5 months or more each year. Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated!! TGIF!!


The door covers are attached...

  5 answers
  • Susan Davia Susan Davia on Jan 18, 2019

    unsure it you want to paint the brick but that would be nice and on top of the hearth lay ceramic tile

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Jan 18, 2019

    Mary: So sorry about your diagnosis.

    Painting is a VERY cheap way to update! Prime, then apply two coats of a good quality latex. Use a nappy roller and a brush for application.

    Here is a photo of my painted fireplace!

    comment photo
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 18, 2019

    Perhaps German Schmear or one of these projects might work for you:

  • Mary Mary on Jan 18, 2019


    Home Depot bound today for paint!! 😊

  • Rini Rini on Jan 18, 2019

    That is a very nice fireplace with so much potential! The patina on the brick is fantastic and I would NOT touch it at all!

    The first thing I think you must do is remove the flowers, pronto!

    Then, removing the carpet and rug is a must. I assume that you placed the red rug there because the carpet must be burnt and damaged in that area, so replacing it with a nice floor would be super important. It doesn't have to be something expensive, just nice and fire resistant to avoid the burns and it could extend a couple of feet around it but you must have a vision of what you want to accomplish.

    These days people are painting everything because it's the trend but it doesn't mean that it is for everybody and everything! I have seen works done beautifully and others that ruined the original pieces. Paint can look good if applied correctly but it can also make something look cheap, unoriginal, and "mass produced", so make sure you actually love the idea of painting the bricks because once done it will be super hard (if not impossible) to undo and you may have to live with it for many years.

    Perhaps all that you need is a good cleanup and rearranging the items around the fireplace and on the mantelpiece.

    The next step would be to declutter its surroundings and take a photo where we can see more in order to give better advice.

    So, in order to achieve something beautiful your first need a vision, a clear idea of what you would like to have. How do you imagine the area? Many times when we upgrade or change something we must carry on with the rest of the room, or sometimes even the house because the new feature that you have will make the rest of the place seem old, run down or dated and unpleasant.

    2, Take photos, do some research and look for inspiration (what sort of livingroom do you see yourself spending happy time in for the next several years?)

    3, Is it something that you can do on your own? Will you need help? Will that help cost?

    4, Make a budget. How much money, effort/work, and time are you able to put into this project, and see whether you can actually commit to it.

    5, Set a schedule to work and a completion date.

    6, Take photos and show us all your achievement!

    Remember that a common mistake in decoration is the disconnection between styles and areas. Even though you are going to do it yourself, you want it to look polished and professional rather than crafty. Consider that there must be a continuity and purpose that runs through your home making it cohesive, beautiful, comfortable, and livable.