Asked on Jul 20, 2014

While in NC last week, I ran into this

Vickey Henning
by Vickey Henning
This fragrant plant was found while stopping for a photo shoot while riding. Can anyone tell me what it is? Thanks for any help.
  12 answers
  • Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) a great wildflower which you can find seeds online from reputable sources. It is a great butterfly magnet
  • Sue Beaty Sue Beaty on Jul 20, 2014
    lovely scent....
  • Amanda Eastman Amanda Eastman on Jul 20, 2014
    Yes, milkweed. It attracts monarch butterflies.
  • Lillie Lillie on Jul 20, 2014
  • Jody D Jody D on Jul 21, 2014
    I have it growing in my yard and refuse to cut it down. Bring some pods home or go here for your own:
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jul 21, 2014
    Not to worry - get them started, and they will stay forever! I have twice the number I had last year, and I pulled them out in the fall after the butterflies were done with them.
    comment photo
  • Dorothy Dorothy on Jul 22, 2014
    The dried seed pods are fantastic for making Christmas decorations as well.....a satiny gold tone on the inside...tuck miniature Christmas balls in earthy tones or metallics in the ends (a dab of hot glue will keep them there) and arrange them in overlapping circles on a wreath form and you have a lovely door wreath (and if you put a battery pack operated string of tiny LED lights in it, wound through between the pods, you will have a light at the door too).
  • Mama's Homestead Mama's Homestead on Jul 22, 2014
    Milkweed. Food for Monarch butterflies!
  • Cheryl Newman Cheryl Newman on Jul 22, 2014
    asclepias syriaca - common milkweed
  • Martha Grice Martha Grice on Dec 23, 2014
    I would be careful when pulling out or cutting back on any milkweed (it is called milkweed because the inside of the weed is filled with a "milk-like" substance) until you know for sure how you react to the "milk". I am very allergic to the "milk" and any contact with my skin and I come up with huge blisters that really hurt! If the blisters burst they "run" and then I have more blisters. I ban them from my yard for just this reason and any I find I have my son dispose of them. Wearing long sleeves and gloves should protect you if you have no, any, or mild reaction. I agree that when blooming they are really attractive and I wish you well.
  • Peg Peg on Mar 25, 2015
    Please keep it and share the seeds. This milkweed is essential to the life of the monarch butterfly. It is a host plant, necessary to their life cycle. Our pollinators are in crisis. It would be helpful for folks to plant more native flowers in their gardens. The Pollinator Partnership is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization-- the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems. They have a program called SHARE: "Simply Have Areas Reserved for the Environment". Planting for pollinators is the first step – the second is registering the planted area on the pollinator S.H.A.R.E. map – It’s easy and connects you to all the great habitat, of every size, that is supporting bees, butterflies, and all pollinators. You can register your garden here no matter what size it is. Still patiently waiting for mine to be applied to the map.