Asked on Feb 12, 2019

What can I do with my bathroom mirror?

by Sharyn

My powder room is small and on an angled wall.There is currently a 30 inch vanity and a 31 inch top. This does not leave enough room for an average person to walk in between the vanity and the door. There is the typical big mirror mounted to the wall.I really want to put in a smaller vanity but I'm looking for ideas on what I can do to the mirror to balance it out so the smaller vanity doesn't look like it was just thrown in the corner. Taking the mirror down is not an option right now. Here is a picture of what it looks like now.

  7 answers
  • You can maybe add so stenciling using frosted glass spray paint around the edges of the mirror to give the mirror a smaller look.

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 12, 2019

    Hi, you could paint lines on it to look like window

    comment photo
  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Feb 12, 2019

    You could build a frame with wood trim and stain or paint to match your vanity. They make a 27 inch vanity (that will give you a little extra room by the toilet) and you can also get them 18 inches deep instead of the standard 24 inch. You will still have the 1 inch over hang on the outside sides. If you can, I'd do away with the thick slab backsplash, too.

  • William William on Feb 12, 2019

    I agree with Shore grandmom. You can get vanities that are only 19" deep but are as wide as yours or less if you choose. And they still have some storage. Get one as wide as the mirror or smaller and center it under the mirror.

  • Glenda K. Gibson Glenda K. Gibson on Feb 13, 2019

    I have these two great mirror in my bed room and you can not take them down the are some how seal on the walls and I hate them I mean I hate them I do not want to look at myself that much .. I mean they cover two wall why in the world would any body do that but I have live with for 32 year but I just can not do it anymore would some one kindly help me for I do not want to tarn down the wall are have glass falling every and I do not want to paint over them O God no on that I deal

    • Heather Heather on Feb 13, 2019

      I just watched a utube video where a gal found a removable, paintable wallpaper for mirrors! Turned out great. Just an idea! Good Luck!

  • Lin1638862 Lin1638862 on Feb 13, 2019

    You could hang curtains over the mirrors.

  • Heje Heje on Feb 13, 2019

    Curtains can be hung over the mirror and swag them back to make toe mirror look narrower to go with the vanity. Another idea would be to glue wood trim to the mirror in a color that would go with the new vanity. A pedestal sink or a rounded based one would also fit better and the width of the mirror would matter less.