How to prevent coyotes from getting into my backyard?

by Klclements5775

My backyard is completely enclosed by fences, which are about 6 feet tall, typical for my neighborhood and county, which is totally suburban and far from anywhere you would expect to find coyotes. I found an unusual dropping out in the open in my backyard, looked up on internet and learned it was from a coyote, and the manner shows it was marking its territory. Also that they can jump over even a 10 foot fence, and most of the deterrents people put forth are eventually ineffective because they are very smart (even "wiley") and they figure it out. I have a beloved small dog who was able to use a doggie door to come and go, soak up the sun and do her duty, etc, at will, but now I can't let her go outside except when I take her for a walk on a leash. she is very confused and having accidents in the house. This might not be the appropriate place to try to solve this problem, but I would love to have any suggestions that would allow me to let my dog have her freedom and enjoyment of the outdoors back.

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