How do I keep all my groceries bags in a neat pile?

by Lupe

How can I keep my groceries bags in a neat pile

  6 answers
  • Deb Deb on Feb 20, 2019

    I fold mine up, pushing the air out of them and put them in an empty tissue box. You could decorate the box if you wanted to.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 20, 2019

    We found a small, tall box and stuffed ours down in it. The box fits behind the pantry door. We use a lot of our grocery bags for various projects and smaller trash cans so we do need them. When we reach for some, there they are! We did not cover the box with contact paper yet, but we could so it would not look unsightly, but for now it is hidden away and very handy. Also, if you haven't too many, use one bag to hang them and put the rest down inside it.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Feb 20, 2019

    I fold them up lengthwise then wrap them around two fingers and put the end through the hole and you can store them in a box or I put them in another grocery bag and put it under my sink.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 20, 2019

    If they are reusable bags, fold them all and put inside a larger bag.

    If the kind the store gives you, it will depend on how big a stash you have on how you store. You can repurpose any of the following: coffee container, 2 liter bottle, baby wipe holder, tissue box, plastic bucket, or a dollar store bin.

    Here's a project if you have time to fold them:

  • This is what I have. Mine is just for decor as we do not get bags at stores, you have to bring your own.

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  • Perrygirl Perrygirl on Feb 21, 2019

    I fold them in half lengthwise and use a cloth spin to clip them to my spice rack. Normally it’s looks neater than pictured,

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