Asked on Mar 15, 2019

What can I make with Sea shells?

by Ila

I have some very nice Sea shells that I would like to make into an art project I need some ideas

  8 answers
  • Lorraine Lorraine on Mar 15, 2019

    These are simple and beautiful! I bought the shadow boxframes at Goodwill, just remove what was in them, tape or glue backing paper to cardboard, glue shells to paper. I spray painted the scallop gold and the in the process of making more, for the wall in the bathroom.

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  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Mar 15, 2019

  • Donna Boronski Donna Boronski on Mar 16, 2019

    I don’t have any pictures, but I’ve taken those empty plastic balls and filled them with sand and tiny seashells, wrapped pretty ribbon around as well as ribbon for a hanger and them and sold them at craft fairs. It also helps if you live near the ocean and can put the name of the beach on them. Tourists love,this kind of stuff.

    you can decorate sand dollars with shells, and sea glass, hangar and you’ve got another ornament.

    The same with starfish.

    ive also done frames. Lots of ideas on Pinterest. Have fun!

  • Dean Murdaugh Dean Murdaugh on Mar 17, 2019

    Sometime back I saw a blog here that I wanted to try but never got around to.

    The blogger used metallic paints to highlight the interior of the shells and made beautifully decorative dishes.

  • Dean Murdaugh Dean Murdaugh on Mar 17, 2019

    Here is another beautiful decorative piece. It all depends on what type of shells you're working with.

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  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on Mar 17, 2019

    I built a patio table. I bought a good-sized, pretty planter and filled it with scrap Styrofoam. Then cut a piece of white cardboard to fit inside, about 4 inches below the top. On top of the cardboard, I poured 2 inches of sand and arranged sea shells in the sand. The top of the table is a round glass just larger than the planter.

    Suggestion: if you make this and have dogs or small children, I suggest using hot glue to secure the glass top.

    It makes the prettiest patio table! Sorry, no pics.

  • Kate Kate on Mar 18, 2019

    If you have little shells, I've seen them glued around mirror edges, picture frames.

    I've seen them painted and arranged like flower petals with felt or pipe stems for stems/leaves inside of a shadow box. Glue them in shadow boxes to make a mosaic pattern. Large shells can be filled with candle wax or tea lights

    You can paint them to look like animals, make them into magnets