How can I make a privacy area in a studio apt?

by Doris

I have a studio apt. The "bedroom area has an opening of 96 x 83. I cannot install barn doors. Any ideas

  5 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Mar 23, 2019

    room dividers/screens here are some DIY ones you'll have to sort thru yourself OR you could hang curtains/drapes using painters canvas tarps would be economical

  • Pat Pat on Mar 23, 2019

    If the walls are strong enough to hold a pipe the width of the opening, perhaps a fabric "wall" would provide visual privacy. It would resemble a shower curtain though taller, wider and obviously thicker material.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 23, 2019

    Lynn gave you lots to pick from or be inspired by!

    Since it is an apartment you are probably limited on what you can do as far as alterations and anything mounted on the walls.

    Your decision on the amount of privacy and being practical come into play, the 96" is probably the width of the area, a tension rod (if you go that way) might need a central support, that could be done with a command strip and a strap to support the center of the rod.

  • Tammy Tammy on Mar 24, 2019

    I was also going to suggest fabric curtains like Pat said above. There are several ways to hang curtains from the ceiling. There are cheap curtain rod that are hidden by the ruffle of the curtain, or even something as simple as I-Hooks.

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  • Melissa Hobbs Melissa Hobbs on Mar 27, 2019

    A wooden framed privacy screen with fabric inserts might work for you.