How to redo kitchen chairs?

Barbara Walker
by Barbara Walker
  5 answers
  • Darlene Williman Darlene Williman on Mar 23, 2019

    What kind of chairs? Are they wood and need painting or do the seats need recovering? I have wiped down the wooden frames then sanded lightly and painted them a color that goes with my kitchen. Then I unscrewed the seats from the chair frames and removed the original material that was stapled to the seat bases, put new foam on the seats and replaced the old material with pretty new material. Then I screwed the seats back to the chair frames. Longest part was the cleaning and sanding. Looks great and

  • If they are wood, I would paint them with chalk paint.

  • Susan Birkett-Gieck Susan Birkett-Gieck on Mar 23, 2019

    Building a hidden pantry between counter and fridge

  • Emily Emily on Mar 26, 2019

    Paint them but don't use chalk paint, use an oil based semi gloss. Chair get hard use and need to be washed off every once in a while.

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  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Mar 29, 2019

    If they are wood, paint with chalk paint. To upholster them, take the seat of if possible and remove staples or tags. Use old fabric as your pattern guide. Then when your new piece is cut out. Place under the seat with right side down and chair front down on top. Staple each middle first, then each side of the middle staple. Then mitre the corners. Reattatch the seat.