How to keep bats from living under roof tiles?

by Suzanne

What can or should be done to keep bats from living under roof tiles?

  4 answers
  • Valleycat1 Valleycat1 on Apr 20, 2019

    You have to seal or block any openings and spaces underneath. If you already have some

    in there you have to allow them to get out and then block re-entry. A pest control company can advise.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Apr 20, 2019

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 20, 2019

    Set up a small bat house near the main exit point. Bat houses can be purchased at hardware stores, online or you can build one of your own. Let it stay there for at least one week to make bats used to their new home. After that, during the day time, cover all the openings they have been using by attaching square pieces of screen mesh. Using duct tape, fix three sides of the square screen meshes while leaving the forth one as is. This will allow them to come out but will not let then go back in. In the night they would be able to go out but will never be able to go back in. They would need a new place to stay in and would have no option but to go to the bat house you have so thoughtfully provided for them. then seal all openings with spray can also get netting to put over your roof to keep them from tile openings.bats are such a beneficial creature killing 1000's of unwanted mosquitos and bugs every night.

  • Cat Lyddon Cat Lyddon on Apr 21, 2019

    they eat their weight in mosquitoes. As long as they are not chewing or getting in not sure you want to get rid of them.