How to get rid of moss?

After all of the snow melted (about a week ago), we seem to have mossy looking growths in several parts of the front yard. We always have a little right next to the landscape edging, but usually not out in the yard. Any ideas? Thanks!

  4 answers
  • Iris Iris on Apr 21, 2019

    There is a commercial moss killer. I don't know how environmentally friendly it is. The best prevention is to provide more sun on the spot through the year, except of course when snow is on it.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 21, 2019

    sun,air circulation,less moisture. you can scrape it up but if conditions are the same it will just regrow. check trees/shrubs/plants to see if they have grown over area causing more shade,changes in sun's location/time of year(cannot do anything about),increase drainage in area,be patient when May comes and the wet season slows down it may just go away9depending where you live),don't put lime on it, it wrecks the soil killing healthy microbes it needs

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 21, 2019

    Hi Sheri,

    Here's an article from that addresses that problem. As Lynn suggested, I would wait until it warms up a bit to see if it goes away naturally, but if it spreads this might help you. Wishing you the best.

  • Mr ATC Mr ATC on Apr 28, 2019

    This video could help you: