How can I get rid of four clock plants?

by Jen
  2 answers
  • Thelma Thelma on May 05, 2019

    Hi Jen, Four O'clock plants reseed themselves and seed the surrounding areas every year from the blooms. Be sure to dig up, or spray, the existing plants before they start to bloom. It will take a few years to get rid of all of them as the seeds sometimes sit idle in the soil for a few years before they germinate and come up. I have used a weed killer scratched into the soil after removing all the plants I don't want, it has helped me to eliminate more than one kind of plant left by the previous owner so now, after 10 years, the flower beds are all flowers I love and have planted. Good Luck!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 05, 2019

    Hello Jen, Sorry I have never heard of "Clock" plants, do you mean Dandylion? If so, Dig them up with the long tap root intact, and or remove all the flower buds when they appear.