How do you repair a cracked computer screen?

by Judy

is there a way to repair a cracked computer screen

  4 answers
  • Hi Judy, I believe replacing the screen is the best option. Here's a video:

  • Everything Pretty Everything Pretty on Jun 20, 2019

    It's fairly easy and inexpensive. I bought a replacement screen on Amazon at the best price. Ebay usually has good deals too.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jun 20, 2019

    I replaced mine it was actually easy. Is it laptop or desk top? let me know I'll provide more info. you can order them online from companies depending what kind it is. what brand do you have?

  • Natalie Natalie on Jun 25, 2019

    I would type into youtube the make and model of your computer and "replace screen". I'm sure you'll get some youtube videos to come up with how to do it specifically for your computer. Or something very similar.