How do you transform an old ugly bulky fireplace into a small one?

I have a bulky fireplace in my livingroom and I want to make it smaller?

  6 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 07, 2019

    Hello there,

    knock the bricks out starting from the very top. Lay Dust Sheet down first though to catch everything........

  • Eileen B. Eileen B. on Jul 07, 2019

    Get rid of that bulky mantel and knock out the bricks. You will have to wait and see what is the behind the bricks before you decide on a design.

  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jul 07, 2019

    Why? I like it. I know, you don't. Gee, what a mess you'll have.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 07, 2019

    You are going to have to take the bricks out, and it is going to be a job. then you will have to frame it out, sheet rock and put in tiles. It is not going to be an easy job.

    Here are some videos to help you this one is a step by step tutorial

  • Elke Hawkins Elke Hawkins on Jul 07, 2019

    You could remove the bulky, wooden mantle and the bulky, brick hearth on the bottom. Paint solid white or whitewash the brick fireplace facade (face). Then you can add your personal finish on the top/mantle area, and along the bottom, front. Not a total makeover, but easier and less messy than knocking down the entire thing!

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Jul 07, 2019

    I’d try something easier than ripping it out. Perhaps paint everything white, lighten it visually. Put a large gold framed mirror centered on the newly painted mantle. ( find a large mirror at Goodwill, if it’s not gold , spray paint it!) keep junk off the mantle.