Can you still plant Bermuda Seed and Dutch Clover in the late summer?

by Eclipsebigdog

I am looking for someone in the know? Please don't respond if your only guessing!

  2 answers
  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Aug 10, 2019

    where do you live? not zone but city/climate? This is world wide site so might be ok in your area but I live in AZ desert so would never plant anything this time of year until late Sept. into Oct. so it matters where you are. No,on clover, not in summer although it reseeds itself ,usually Dutch clover is seeded in Fall for May growth or spring for summer growth, then will reseed itself too many variables to say for sure-------where r u???? for best answers Bermuda Bermudagrass is a warm season turf grass and is best planted in spring to late spring or early summer. Plant Bermudagrass seeds when soil temperatures are consistently above 65° F (18°C) -- this soil temperature is reached when daytime air temperatures are 80° or higher. Only guessing is available until we know where you live. City please...... because zones are not all accurate across the board for planting

  • It also depends where you live, as I am in zone 9 and even in "late summer" seeds will just cook instead of germinate in 100°+ temperatures. This will help you.

    I used white clover in my backyard last year and love it, and so do the pets. Soft fluffy and drought tolerant in extremely low humidity locations like mine.