How can I get rid of ivy that is coming over from my neighbor's yard?

by Hanne

I have ivy from the house next door coming into my yard what can I kill it with. Tried bleach and vinegar so far its coming over with vengence

  2 answers
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Sep 01, 2019

    This video tutorial should help:

    • Hanne Hanne on Sep 01, 2019

      Thank you. They love it so not going to happen. Thank you. I will just keep up the pulling and the bleach and water . If not get the herbicide

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 01, 2019

    Yep thats what happened here. You have to pull it out before it gets ahold. They do make ivy herbicide but it can't be used within 5 of a tree cause it will kill the tree.

    Try to get your neighbor to cooperate in keeping the ivy away from the property boundry.