How can I make this outdoor space more comfortable (pic)?

by Jordan

I live in japan, in a very windy, humid area that gets typhoons blowing through every year. I also have a concrete yard that I’d love to fix up but can’t think of any ideas that would be able to withstand the weather but also be comfortable for us to use. Any ideas?( it’s the area from the tile stairs until the ac unit. The table will be gone. It’s just under 3 meters by about 5 meters.)thank you!!

  8 answers
  • Homeroad Homeroad on Sep 08, 2019

    I would use a concrete paint made especially for the weather to paint the floor. I think that will make a huge difference!

  • Power wash the concrete, add a ton of plants and a cute sitting area. Maybe add an outdoor rug to define the space.

  • Judy in Canton. Judy in Canton. on Sep 08, 2019

    I would consider making a wood deck with flower boxes along the side of the house with greenery. Depending on your budget you can add a pergola with string lights.

  • Emily Emily on Sep 08, 2019

    I would screen off the end of the space (before a/c or after whichever is best) and use a large spaced latttice so wind can go through, and secure it strongly. That defines your space and makes "the eye" comfortable. I like the idea of a wood deck or painting the "floor" have heavy but comfortable furniture for seating for as many as you think can fit in the space. Cushions can come inside when it is windy or rainy.

  • Jordan Jordan on Sep 08, 2019

    Thanks everyone!! This was taken after I moved all of my husband‘s weight lifting equipment further down the yard...its been set up there since we moved in over 5 years ago, so there’s def some washing that needs to get done. Would power washing be enough or any diy remedies that could be poured on and then scrub? I would love to have a deck here but that just gives more places for the bugs to hide under in the summer... (and there are insanely huge bugs here!) thanks for all of your suggestions and I’ll post a pic of what we’ve done as soon as we get to it!

  • Swinnen Lisette Swinnen Lisette on Sep 09, 2019

    Or you could glue some artificial grass on the floor, put pots and plants at the end and a table and chairs, all of which you can take inside when a typhon is coming.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 09, 2019

    If you do not have any extra space inside to put the outdoor furniture or large cushions to dry during inclement weather, I would discourage you from using anything that is not water proof. For maximum durability, ease of cleaning, and minimum maintenance, I would suggest instead to check into building or purchasing some outdoor furniture made from concrete or stone.

    Some examples are shown below:

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  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 01, 2021

    If you can get some Wet & Forget to wash the concrete pad with a power washer that should get rid of the staining. Then I would paint it with concrete paint and you could paint a rug design on the pad for interest. You might get some foldable chairs and a small table that could be stored inside or in a secured outside storage cabinet. I would add a bunch of plants in concrete pots.