Can you give me ideas for decorating a table?

by Cphamm

what kind of design could I get for a table I am refinishing

  3 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Oct 18, 2019
    Go to the source of your inspiration! If you want to do a Unicorn SPiT-inspired table, go to the Unicorn SPiT homepage or several of the many sites inspired by this. Go to Etsy for designs and stencils you can order. Go to Hometalk to search for tables designed by other DIYers. Go to college, comic and sports sites to see the latest affiliated products and up to date logos, and read the copyright restrictions for something you might sell. If you think you might have an original idea and search Pinterest extensively. Just want to have fun? Go for it!
  • Unexpected Elegance Unexpected Elegance on Oct 18, 2019

    Here's a tutorial to make a fun design using stain:

  • Here is a tutorial for a greek key design that I added to my table top.