How do I paint paneling?

Sheri Yeoman
by Sheri Yeoman
  5 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 06, 2019

    Hi Sheri,

    Paint paneling with a brush and roller or better still use a Paint Runner Pro from Shopping TV.(No mess or spills and quick too)

  • Diane Diane on Nov 06, 2019

    clean The wood well first to make sure there is no grease or waxy buildup on the wood or paint will not adhere well. Or you can lightly sand the surface, but this method is much messier. Brush paint the grooves first then roller the rest. Use a good quality paint with built in primer and you won’t need as many coats, especially if the paneling is dark.

  • Priming is helpful to get dark wood to white faster (plus its cheaper than paint.) You'll probably need a brush for the grooves, but a roller will do the job quickly.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Nov 06, 2019

    Sheri....Clean well, prime then paint

  • Nan W. Nan W. on Nov 09, 2019

    Sheri: I've done this -- with good success... (see photo - paneled wall is to the left of fireplace)

    PRIME! do not skip this step! Then apply two coats of a GOOD latex paint

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