How do I make Christmas bows for wreaths?

Carol Suchla
by Carol Suchla
  7 answers
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Dec 02, 2019

    Real boughs? Artificial? I've used branches from real trees and and branches from old artificial trees. How do you want to use them? Do you want to make a wreath using either one? You will need a sturdy frame to attach to for either, to shape the boughs.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Dec 02, 2019

    Here's a video that might help -

  • Em Em on Dec 02, 2019

    The dollar stores sell a bag full for guessed it....$1.00

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 02, 2019

    Different brands of bow makers are available for purchase.

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  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 05, 2019

    Hello Carol,

    Fold a ribbon. in half. Bend one end back half way towards middle. Turn over and do the same the other side. KEEPING HOLD OF CREASES, flatten and sit on table with wings of bow to underside. Secure with staple or stitch in this position. Us another piece of ribbon to tie around the middle (by gathering up) and secure at the back to form bow! Repeat..................Best wishes.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 06, 2019

    I use the wide ribbon that looks the same from both sides with the bendable wire along the edges. Works well if you don't want anything too fancy.