Can you give me ideas for storing bottles of craft paint?

by Ilene

Please give me ideas on ways to store bottles of craft paint. Longer I live in small apartment, the more wonderful things I acquire. Left all those things when I move and now I'm buying new. Seems I am constantly reorganizing. Next project is vrafe supplies. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you, Ilene

  6 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Dec 07, 2019

    Hello. I like to use plastic bins with drawers for my craft paints. I label each drawer with the appropriate type of paint. I store enamel, glass, Metallic, watercolor, Multipourpose and regular paints in separate drawers.

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  • Ilene Ilene on Dec 07, 2019

    Thank you! I've considered this yet, with limited space haven't been able to make it work. On your suggestion, worth revisiting the idea. Thank you. Ilene

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Dec 07, 2019
    Go vertical with 7’ shelving units.

    Then the stacking bins.

  • Ilene Ilene on Dec 07, 2019

    Thank you. An idea, but I'm still looking. If I can find a bit of unused wall space, I might be able to use something like a spice rack? Keeping my eyes & mind open to options. Ilene

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Dec 07, 2019

    When I have minimal space, I keep them in bins under my bed.

  • Ilene Ilene on Dec 08, 2019

    Great idea. I’ll have to make space. Seems as I acquire more I am regularly “reorganizing”