How do l fix laminate boards that are lifting?

by Billie

I can't afford to buy new ones

  5 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 18, 2019

    Years ago in my first place of my own the laminate counter in the bathroom started lifting. I just used a hot glue gun and glued it back down. Took me about 5 minutes and looked like new again.

  • Hi, Billie!

    What surface is laminate - the floor or a countertop? If it is a countertop, it can be adhered with contact cement applied with a small brush. If it is a floor, it’s going to depend on the type of flooring: glued down or click-lock floating. If it is a glued down floor, contact cement will also work. If it is a click-lock floating floor, the subfloor underneath could possibly be buckling (I’ve been through that before) and there really isn’t anything temporary that can be done. Do you mind replying and letting us know what surface is laminate?

    • See 2 previous
    • Billie Billie on Dec 19, 2019

      Thank u, nothing leaking

  • Dee Dee on Dec 18, 2019

    You can use a hair dryer to heat the laminate boards then put some heavy books or bricks on the floor for a few days.

  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 18, 2019

    So what is wrong with the floor? is it warped due to getting wet, did it buckle, are boards popping out? be more specific

    • See 3 previous
    • Sharon Sharon on Dec 19, 2019

      There are lots of videos on YouTube on how to repair specific problems with laminate floors. Here is one solution for buckling....